#1 - steve
why does FF steps reset to 256 after closing LFS?
I have some custom FF options I did, but I need FF steps at 128 in the lfs.cfg for them to work correctly, and I really dont feel like setting it to 128 everytime I start LFS. Anyway to make it stick for good? thanks
#2 - steve
oh wait maybe its staying now..
Make cfg.txt read only?
I would say the same, as it keeps an insim port when you make it "read only".

But what is the FF step please?
It defines how much the calculated steering force in LFS must change before a new FF command is sent to the wheel. The value is used as a divisor, so the higher the value (max 256) the smaller the needed force change and the "finer" the FF nuances. Scawen put this in, because AFAIK in testing the wheel drivers couldn't handle the constant updates of minimal force changes. This setting makes the updates less frequent, reducing the stress for the wheel drivers/software/whatever.

So in conclusion, higher value = theoretically more detailed FF, but higher data transfer. Lower value = less detailed FF, but not so much stress for the wheel.
Ah ok, thank you for the explanation .