The online racing simulator
How to restrict applications to one monitor (for example, LFS Fullscreened)?
Hi guys, just a question. I remember seeing this application that would allow you to restrict any program to one monitor, but I can't seem to find it. because my LFS runs like a toad in window mode, but I want it Fullscreened on one monitor, while the other monitor does whatever it does. is there an easy way to do this?

Nevermind, Found that in the LFS options, if you have multiple monitors, you can select which adapter to use, so I chose the secondary one. Leaving this here for reference in case anyone else wants to know.
Sounds more like technical assistance to me...
I didn't even think about that, I'm used to putting anything that isn't specifically related to LFS in the OT forum, and this isn't really LFS only, I want to limit HL2 to only one monitor or else it would be gay having the aim right in the bloody center.
So, can't you just select a one-screen resolution in the game options? I have a dual monitor at work, and when I was trying a game for testing () it only displayed on one monitor, while on the second the desktop was still visible.
#5 - CSU1
wots HL2? halo2?
I got it to work in LFS, its just I recall an application that would do it for any other game, such as Half Life 2 (HL2 for short CSU1). beucase HL2 currently spreads across both monitors which means that the crosshair is in the center of the monitors and it looks icky.
#7 - Mauni
#8 - CSU1
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I got it to work in LFS, its just I recall an application that would do it for any other game, such as Half Life 2 (HL2 for short CSU1). beucase HL2 currently spreads across both monitors which means that the crosshair is in the center of the monitors and it looks icky.

Well ok HL2 and LFS running at the same time, why?
Not at the same time, I mean like having LFS on one monitor while the background/windows is on the other becuase my monitors don't work well together. I have achived that, I was just trying to figure out how to do that in ohter games, becuase I remember a program that could do that, obviously I worded it very poorly and I apologise for that.
#10 - CSU1
Diss 2 monitor's, why have 2 monitors?
Any chance of you being helpful CSU1?
Assuming you're using an nvidia, dual view will do this by default. If you use Horizontal Span, there is a setting which should force apps to 1 window (a run through the setup wizard should throw it up), however very few apps seem to respect it.

I dont have any recent experience with dual monitor ATI's although Sorry

Multiple screens are very useful if you use PC's all day. Specifically sysadmins, graphic designers, etc. all find the extra screen space useful. Half the time I have anywhere upto 3 sets of screens (including the laptop), when I'm working for instance
Uhh, scissors on the wall. Prolonged watching of sharp objects in my peripheral vision irritates my eyes so badly I can't even have a butter knife or a pen without the top on my desk Must stare at screen less..

Can't help you with the dual monitor business I think my card does have 2 VGA outlets but haven't a second monitor to test it on.
Thanks TAA, I got that working now, using dualview for normal tasks, and H-span for HL2 with the centre distorted slightly to the right.
Sorry it was a bit of a crap answer, but its the only result I've come up with myself
Don't worry about it, it works how I needed it to
#17 - CSU1
Quote from Bob Smith :Any chance of you being helpful CSU1?

Jesus Bob sorry! I'll try be be more helpful next time
Other option is to make* a profile for HL in the nvidia drivers and in the advanced options, set hardware acceleration to single display. I've never tried that, as I only have one monitor, but it should work... IIRC there is a benefit aswell doing it that way, as you gain some more FPS.

* if you use the latest drivers with the new control panel, you need to change to advanced view then you can access the program settings in 3D settings -> manage 3D settings. It already has a profile for HL unlike the old panel.