After downloading that monster of a video, and watching it, I a bit of opinion I'd like to give

. First, a disclaimer. Yes, I'm only a demo user right now (

), so I've never driven anything really fast, or with an open top, or on the oval... That being said...
Personally, in the XRG/XRT, I've never really noticed a sound diffrence while drafting, which never really bothered me. I've been in some hairy situations in real life, one of which involved me swerving to avoid an accident at 80 mi/hr (129 km/h) behind a rather large semi-truck with less than a car length between us. I drive a passanger car and I did not notice a significanly large drop in wind sound in the brief moment I spent in the truck's draft before being able to ease back (I had squeezed in front of an SUV, so I had to wait for him to inch back before braking). I did, however, notice that while back there, applying less gas slowed me down less than normal (as expected).
However, I also own a bike. Me and my dad, who has a bigger bike, go riding on them through the country highways. While in the process of switching from the left to the right side of the lane (often so he is on the inside of the turns, so he doesn't have to worry about where I am while he's turning. Other times so he's on the side of the larger vehicle of the road, as he can take the wind from driving near them better than I can) I can definatly feel -and- hear the draft. My legs, most noteably, tell me when I'm in his draft because the wind, literally, almost comes to a stop (usually only one leg at a time, heh). I can also hear a diffrence, dispite wearing a helmet (3/4, not full face).
It would make sense to me that, depending on the car, the audiable cues of a draft would vary. If LFS does that, YIPPIE! If not, its something I think might warrent a little looking into one day, though there are plenty of more wonderful things I'm sure we'd all love to have. However, I suspect when the who audio gets a work over, that might be on the list to be looked into.
What I mean by 'depending on the car', is that the open toped cars (both the Formula and the... LX6 I think, and the UF1000 looks like it has an open top option (according the the CMX viewer)) would have a more audioable wind-sound at speed, and more noticeable when drafting. Also, I suspect that because the XRG and XRT are based on (what I feel to be) passanger cars used on the race track, it would make sense that the sound is damped that much more. Passanger comfort. But racecars probably wouldn't care very much about that, so the sound would probably be louder in the GTR cars.
My two cents. Don't try to spend them anywhere, cause they're from my savings for S2. Give them back!
