The online racing simulator
#1 - Nikn
Competition/showoff for addon LFS tracks/cars
I know that everyone out there has his or her own ideas on what track or car should be added to LFS next. In more open mod-able sims you could just make whatever you wanted to add. There is an obvious problem with making LFS modable. So I was thinking....

There has to be a bunch of great modelers on the LFS forum who would love to add their content... why not make a competition for potential add-on models? This would preserve the quality-control and allow some unique and varied addons. If the winner of the competition makes a very good track or car - it might be actually added to the game.

I dunno if this is a very popular idea... I was wondering what everyone else thinks before I go bothering the devs about this.

Anyways... If anyone wants to show off some models that they wish were in LFS please feel free to. Ill start by showing some tracks I made that i retextured with LFS's textures to give them a LFS-feel. Tell me what u think... sorry the quality is bad, the game is RACER btw...
Attached images
I'd enter a competition; I Already have the model made. I think this or a similar idea has been brought up before, but always been shot down as "the devs have more important things to do."

I'd enter a car, though, and time permitting a track, too.
Hey Nikn, any new tracks for racer? Razz
#5 - Nikn
Not too much new. I still need to get a copy of 3dsmax for this computer Frown . Anyways, MAGGOT can i see your model?
Quote from Nikn :Not too much new. I still need to get a copy of 3dsmax for this computer Frown . Anyways, MAGGOT can i see your model?

Unfortunately, at this time, no. As of now, it is private. It may see its way into rFactor, but the creator of the mod it was going to be put in has lost the modding bug for now. Of course, if there is any posibility of having it in LFS, I'll drop the rF deal like a.. umm.. something that you drop, really fast. Hot potato maybe?

In any case, it was origionally planned to be in the ProtoGP mod for rFactor, which I and a friend started. I left that team for reasons of creative direction, and this car is the only thing of my work I have kept; the rest is in the hands of the other head of the ProtoGP mod. After that, I was approached by the creator of another mod, which I will not mention as this was a private thing so it would not create a buzz in the community, and asked if I would be willing to donate the model to him. As it is right now, I don't know if this car will see the light of day in rFactor; time will tell. In case you missed it, that was a little hint at what type of car it is Wink (And a shameless plug for a friend, even though I am no longer working on it Shy )

[EDIT] BTW, the car in question is not pictured on the PGP website at all, so don't bother looking. :P
I agree with this.

In my view, (i'm thinking cars primarily) there should be three times a year or so little competitions where the community post models and the devs have a look at them, if there is a REALLY good one put it in LFS. Not make it AUTOMATIC best one goes in, only put in outstanding ones.
I love designing tracks, and would like to have somebody modeling my designs Wink If LFS some day becomes moddable, I'll bring in my ideas.
#10 - Nikn
If anyone has some models to show please do. Maybe if there is some good content the devs will get inspired enough to add your content. Shrug