The online racing simulator
copy paste
(7 posts, started )
copy paste
yes i no its only small but i think it would be useful, when you join a server ther is usely a website about the team. flicking back and fore trying to rember the adress to enter on the adress bar then after you start typing the amout you have done has dissapered because you never clicked on the bar, what would be great if you could copy aand paste.
good feed back please
If you press T then up until you find the message you want, goto the start of the message, hold shift and press end, release shift then press Ctrl + C. Despite it not being highlighted (read: selected), you have now copied that into your clipboard and you can paste like you normally would in any other program.
i never new that but pressing that many buttons would take a while(maybe not) what i was meanting is the click and drag to highlight then right click
How do you implement it though? Theres no mouse pointer available when racing, and bringing up the options overlay would go over the top of the text. Plus its always scrolling - how do you make sure that what you're doing should stop the scrolling? blah blah blah yakity smackity

Nice idea - but given the fact that we've currently got an implemented system know knows if we'll get it?
maybe not at this time but maybe when s3 comes out things will have changed when you enter text. when your on the menu spectating ect. there is a mouse pointer but maybe have it when entering text aswell. i never flick back to internet explorer ect. when racing
#6 - filur

Show the pointer while the "chat log" is open, increase local buffer size and let mousewheel scroll the buffer, use select-to-copy or select-and-click-to-copy instead of ctrl-c.

Quote from the_angry_angel :...goto the start of the message, hold shift and press end, release shift then press Ctrl + C...

I didn't think you had to do all that, the "highlighting" of text by using the shift-end. All you have to do is Ctrl-C and it should put what is in the chat box on the clipboard.

copy paste
(7 posts, started )