The online racing simulator
Swedish translation
(23 posts, started )
#1 - Zef
Swedish translation

I have translated the main and help texts to Swedish, hope you will enjoy it. If you would find any errors please PM me and I will correct them ASAP.

I will begin to work with the other texts now when the real car racing season is over.

/Tomas 'Zef'

See ... ic_translation_viewer.php for latest translation
Nice job! Going to test it ..
(Zef) DELETED by Zef : Not needed
Thank you for this That will help me learning swedish

Great translation Thanks!

i noticed one little error with this translation, when you drive out from the pit lane it should say something like: Lämnade depåfil not vänster depåfil =P

Bye / hejdå
#5 - Zef
Very nice job ... again
Thanks nice job
#8 - EmilO
Quote from hinirags :Thank you for this That will help me learning swedish

U wanna learn swedish? good luck

ONTOPIC: good translation like it Bra jobbat!
OK... what's the status of this translation?

Is it complete, and tested and approved by enough people, so that we should include it in the LFS patch?
Quote from Scawen :OK... what's the status of this translation?

Is it complete, and tested and approved by enough people, so that we should include it in the LFS patch?

i don't think everything is completed maybe theres something left

anyway its a shame that LFS don't support Å Ä Ö is it possible to have Å Ä Ö in LFS?
Quote from EmilO :anyway its a shame that LFS don't support Å Ä Ö is it possible to have Å Ä Ö in LFS?

Yes, those characters should work fine. Try editing the Swedish.txt file, and put one of those characters in where it seems to be missing. Let us know if it works ok when you restart LFS!
tried this time and it works! only thing when im driving an older version (i use LFS Tweak And Mecanic sometimes) there are [] instead of Å Ä Ö

Here are the file with some minor changes:
Attached files
Swedish.txt - 42.9 KB - 476 views
Quote from Scawen :OK... what's the status of this translation?

Is it complete, and tested and approved by enough people, so that we should include it in the LFS patch?

I think the status of this translation is good. But I will not use because I am to used to the english version, but for new Swedish LFS players I think the Swedish translation is very good. I also think that new Swedish players will be pretty happy if they see that there is a Swedish translation

Put it in, is my vote
Yeah it´s good i use it all the time, but i think it is little to much translate.

And my vote is put it in to LFS
Its a good translate, but its too much swedish words. Some words should still be in English such as the start menu and some words ingame also.

Every gamer today knows english i suppose so dont make a "7 year kid old" swedish version.
(Easy_Mike) DELETED by Easy_Mike : i was tierd too i guess..minor chances to translation
(Easy_Mike) DELETED by Easy_Mike : updated the translation
Quote from Easy_Mike :i took the problem in my own hands and with help from members of we came up with a better translation..

this is tested by a few swedish players and we think its an improvment of the original one posted by Zef.

thanks to Zef anyway.

Yes we have test it and it´s bette then the "orginal" not so much swedish translated.

We are 5 from SRS - Sweracers and 4 from TPC - Turbo Performance Club as have tested this and now we all think it work fine.
i took the problem in my own hands and with help from members of we came up with a better translation..

this is tested by a few swedish players and we think its an improvment of the original one posted by Zef.

thanks to Zef anyway.

Attached files
Swedish.txt - 45.7 KB - 464 views
Another update with alot of fixes, grammar etc.

You find it here.
#20 - Zef
Nice to see that there are some suggestions for improvement

The current version of the translation is this: ... action=1&lang=Swedish

I will try to go through the new translations and see what is changed to the better and the worse to make the official translation better.

To some of the changes I do not agree, like: "Singelplayer" I would like that to be "En spelare", mostly because player is not a swedish word. Although on some other technical words I guess I should go for the english mostly because there are not any good swedish words and that the english words are commonly used in swedish spoken language.

I guess that there are much differences in how people want to have the translation. My goal is to make a swedish translation so people who can´t speak english could use it. The result is that much is translated to swedish. I can agree that I over did it in some textstrings, and I will try to correct it. Guess that many will use the english version, just because they are so used to english games.
Hello Zef

We have discussed the translation at and if you want to say what you feel about some changes in the translation, go to and register in the fourm.
As this seems to be the only thread about the Swedish Translation of the INGAME-text, ill bump it and submit 3 errors in the texts. Hopefully it will get fixed

3a_upc_male %s^8 updaterade kontroller
3a_upc_fmal %s^8 updaterade kontroller
3a_upc_unkn %s^8 updaterade kontroller

Things in BOLD should be: "uppdaterade", so the only thing wrong is one "p" to little
Quote from Feffe85 :As this seems to be the only thread about the Swedish Translation of the INGAME-text, ill bump it and submit 3 errors in the texts. Hopefully it will get fixed

3a_upc_male %s^8 updaterade kontroller
3a_upc_fmal %s^8 updaterade kontroller
3a_upc_unkn %s^8 updaterade kontroller

Things in BOLD should be: "uppdaterade", so the only thing wrong is one "p" to little

Fixed. Will be updated with the next patch I guess.

Swedish translation
(23 posts, started )