The online racing simulator
12h of Kyoto GP : Penalties
#06 - Masterblasters e.V. -1 lap for using shift+s
#04 - Cyber Racing -1 lap for using shift+s
#01 - n!faculty Racing -1 lap for using shift+s
#07 - Shock.fx -1 lap for using shift+s

#15 - Clownpaint Racing +Drivethrough for repeatedly cutting the chicane

We would like to have some explanation from team Clownpaint on what happened with the connecting and disconnecting a few minutes ago.
Quote from Frankmd :No penalties as yet.

We would like to have some explanation from team Clownpaint on what happened with the connecting and disconnecting a few minutes ago.

Clownpaint was ment to start the race, but I 'unannounced' filled in for him as he was late. He then joined, but he was not on TeamSpeak so he did not know that I was in for him. He joined the track, and I dissconnected to help curve any penalty we might of gotten.
Okay, since you havent got any advantage out of it, we wont penalize it, but please dont make a habbit of it.
Yes, indeed. Our apologies.
We would like to know from team #42: Scirocco Players, what the reason was they disconnected. If no appropriate explanation is given, they get 2 -1 lap penalties.

christoph (n!DreaF) and carsten hörenbaum(killer) are in one w-lan and it seems to be a little unstable, christoph did s. th. that caused some traffic and due to that killer had 2 disconnects. We are just discussing what to do if carstens connection remains unstable, i think he won't be driving again today if so.
Ok, no penalties will be given.
#8 - Steak
In the beginning of Lap 19 (Min 42) I was hit by Ca.Hörenbaum which caused an heavy accident and that was the reason why I have to press Shift+S.
I ask the Admins to look at these scene, please. I uploaded the replay to Rapidshare:
After reviewing the replay, no penalty will be given. This is a racing incident in which both drivers made mistakes.
Quote from Steak :In the beginning of Lap 19 (Min 42) I was hit by Ca.Hörenbaum which caused an heavy accident and that was the reason why I have to press Shift+S.
I ask the Admins to look at these scene, please. I uploaded the replay to Rapidshare:

Looked like your fault to me, but then i only watched it once... cba to go through the whole replay again .
#02 - Ocrana gets a warning for not pulling their driver in the pits when he could not see other cars anymore resulting in an incident with another car.

In the future, such behaviour will be penalized by a stop&go for the crash and maybe a lap deduction for putting fellow racers at a risk.
Quote from Hoellsen :#02 - Ocrana gets a warning for not pulling their driver in the pits when he could not see other cars anymore resulting in an incident with another car.

In the future, such behaviour will be penalized by a stop&go for the crash and maybe a lap deduction for putting fellow racers at a risk.

We apologize for that mistake, will not happen again. It seems like some strange bug and we reacted the wrong way. Big sorry for that, wont happen again.
In the rule it says: "Passing must not be done before the green flag is given."
If this had been a Nascar race you wouldn't be allowed to pass before the Start/Finish line. This isn't the cars here? I thought it was since one driver asked about this and got the answer: "Passing before the start/finish line isn't allowed." At least I thought that was the answer.
Well, a car passed me when I had to brake at the start to keep my position. I don't want to complain to much about that, I just want to know if I'm going to take the start some other times.
It was a bit of a misunderstanding in the lobby before the race. The rules are what it is supposed to be.
Quote from Hoellsen :It was a bit of a misunderstanding in the lobby before the race. The rules are what it is supposed to be.

I take it as it's supposed to ... OK to overtake before the S/F line if the word Green apeared.

If so I would sugest a change to ... No overtaking before S/F line. Otherwise it's a bit of a risk to crash at the start.
On the other hand I understand you have those starts for one season allready so who am I to critisice .... ... never the less it's a sugestion.
Example: the number two car is sleeping when the green flag is given, the number one car drives off, and the rest of the field has to stay behind the number 2 car. Also, people in the back dont expect this and might crash into the back of people who are stuck behind a slower car.

In effect, I think overtaking when the green flag is given is the best way. Also, to take the s/f line as place to overtake is somewhat arbitrary... When the green flag is given, the race is on, so overtaking is allowed.

On the other hand, I think the rolling starts could be better, but we would need some tools for that. I would be able to code that, but I dont have time at the moment, so ...
Of course there are exeptions in all situations ...

But if all do what they should, lift up if they got on gas a little early, I think the risk of a pile up is lower if everyone takes it a bit easy in the start. After all this is endurance, a lot of time to catch up. Keeping the two lines untill passing the start finish line is good way of having a nice and clean start.