I have been searching since midnight last night for a way to turn off the combined axis and have the pedals work correctly in LFS. I have tried using the various profiler sliders as well as mucking around with the various options in control panel. I *think* it is a Windows issue and not LFS because as soon as I uncheck "combined axis" then my pedals only work as on/off. When I press my throttle pedal I get 100% throttle with very little movement of my foot, and the same for the brake. I tried various settings in the game but that doesn't seem to work either. My profiler doesn't really want to work because it requires admin access, which I never play an online game in. I am trying to solve that also. I am hoping someone else has had the problem and solved it. I am having a blast driving the game, but only getting 1.41s or so on Blackwood in a GTI and thinking that separate controls might help set the car up into the faster turns where the car is understeering a lot.