Let me put something together real quick and see if you can agree or disagree with this.
Westhill, only has 2 configurations and that's regular and reverse. I concider regular and reverse configs not different layouts. Another track that we have that is only reg and reverse configs is Blackwood.
So, we have Kyoto. Folks complain that we only have 6 tracks and run the same ones over and over again. They also complain that you can't count the different layouts for each track because they are all the same. In Kyoto you have oval, National, and GP Long. Not a one of those are similar. They all drive completely different and only share a portion of the oval with each other.
So now we have 5, BL1, WE1, KY1, KY2, and KY3. We move to Aston. National seems to be the easiest and most frequently used track in mostly GTR's and FOX. Then you move to Club, a really nice short track usually run in XFR or FOX, but I've had some really nice racing in the big GTR's there. Nothing like National where it only shares a short section of the front stretch. The final chicane is nothing alike for these to layouts since you enter it in club completely different. I was never fond of Historic, and it does share much of the newer config I do like, which is North. This track starts at Club, moves into the reversed back section of Historic and down the corkscrew, and back to the short shared front section of Club. Drives nothing like either National or Club. I haven't really driven GT at all, but I do like GP, the longest configuration in LFS. I do love this config, and even though it shares the back section of North, it is reversed from that so drives differently. That puts us with 4 viable configs that all drive different than each other at Aston. I also didn't stick Cadet in here as that I feel is just good for the little cars, but opinions of course vary.
Add the Aston layouts to our total and we move up to 9 viable different "tracks" so far for league racing. Looking at South City, we have 5 configs where Sprint 1 and Sprint 2 are completely separate from each other. I don't have much experience with SO except with Classic mostly in the MRT and SO Long. I would definitely put Long into the mix of a league series, as well as maybe Sprint 1. Then, instead of putting Classic or Sprint 2 in the mix as I feel they are just too short for proper league racing, we can combine them and use SO Town Course giving us 3 more layouts that drive different.
We move on with our now 12 layouts for league use to Fern Bay. We have 4 configs not including the rally tracks. Two of them, Green and Gold are, again, completely separated from each other. Both are excellent tracks, and if you combine them, you get the fantastic Black track, another long one. All three of these are great, but I will disregard Black since it does share the entire lengths of both Green and Gold. So, there are 2 more.
That puts our total to 14 tracks to use for league use. Combine that with the fact that many of these are also excellent and drive completely different in reverse configuration, you easily could have a total of 28 tracks at your disposal for league racing. Tell me, which league runs 28 races? Is there one? I don't know.
If you are still reading this way down here, I can see why folks would like more tracks. Variety is the spice of life and many of the configs are suited more for one car class than the other. I am basing all that above on the GTR's as that is what I like to drive. But if you could do it for GTR's, then they also easily suit the F08, FOX, baby GTR's, and possible even the LFR class. You might want to knock off a few of the longer stuff if going for the slower road cars. But then you also have other smaller configs to substitute for the long ones.
That all said, I do agree. I would love to have more different tracks than we have now. But I don't see any merit in the complaining that all we have is the same old tracks to use for leagues. Because there are plenty of variety in the configs to give you more than enough tracks for leagues. Using 28 tracks including the reverses of them gives you 7 months of once a week racing for leagues. I don't think I could last with racing the same league series for a solid 7 months straight.
Thank you and happy racing
