The online racing simulator
#1 - P1lot
Button template for MOMO Racing
MOMO Buttons is a template to print and fit over the wheel of a Logitech MOMO Racing wheel.
This allows you to label each button/LED with it's function.
This is handy for labelling multiple functions and if you regularly race different sims.

The labels for the LEDs are for when using MOMO LEDs program by Kegetys, available here

This template was prepared using Adobe Photoshop, so the labels can be changed by any program able to manipulated psd files.

This is not an original idea, it is based on a similar template I have seen by JMN at RSC forum in this thread. I just made this to easily change my labels and with carbon fibre look.
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#2 - Jakg
mind explaining how you have "2nd Function" set up?
#3 - P1lot
Quote from Jakg :mind explaining how you have "2nd Function" set up?

Using Logitech Profiler, there's the option of setting a button as Shift, thereby doubling up the functions on all the other buttons.
I have to say that is pretty cool. Now if only the G25 would come out sooner.
#5 - Jakg
Quote from P1lot :Using Logitech Profiler, there's the option of setting a button as Shift, thereby doubling up the functions on all the other buttons.

do you have to hold the button down? that sounds like something i might have to check out!
#6 - Jakg
Well i got it set up - do i have to have the profiler running when i run LFS (sorry if its a stupid question - but it might "run itself"!), if yes ill just add it to my super-script!

EDIT - Dont like auto-start things - added the profiler to my "LFS Script" (i mean i run that and LFS, plus all the mods start), much nicer solution!
#7 - P1lot
I found that the profiler was unreliable left to its own devices (sometimes forget button assignments), so I always set LFS as a persistant profile - and, yes, I have the profiler visible underneath LFS

I've only just noticed that I've set up the paddles the wrong way around, I think most use up-shift on the right paddle! Sorry
#8 - ajp71
Cool idea may have to make a DFP one

Will also check out that 2nd Function thingy.
#9 - Lible
I have the red one, but thanks a lot for the trick.
#10 - Jakg
when i print it off how do i make sure its the right side? i dont have a printer (but have PortableGimp, and schools laser printer!)
Where exactly is that "double the amount of buttons" in the Profiler? I've never noticed even that I've done some cycle commands for the buttons.
Well, that is VERY nice looking . I just had a paper taped up above my monitor, LOL. This is a much better looking idea. Unfortunately, I don't use the profiler, so the 2nd function wouldn't mean anything to me, but the template is very handy, thanks .
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Jakg :when i print it off how do i make sure its the right side? i dont have a printer (but have PortableGimp, and schools laser printer!)

If printing from Photoshop, make sure you select 'original size'. I'd recommend thicker paper also
Quote from deggis :Where exactly is that "double the amount of buttons" in the Profiler? I've never noticed even that I've done some cycle commands for the buttons.

In the profiler, when you click on a button you get a little menu for assigning a function, and also 'Assign as Shift Button'. Then at the top of the list there's a button to toggle between showing standard and shifted commands.
Quote from thisnameistaken :While you're there, you might want to have another crack at spelling "paddles"

Oops, I'd better edit it when I get chance to reprint.
edit: changed in zip file
NICE! thx a lot!

maybe replacing lfs logo by my mother's photo
#15 - Jakg
Quote from P1lot :If printing from Photoshop, make sure you select 'original size'. I'd recommend thicker paper also

do you know if the Gimp does the same thing? hopefully so! how do i attacth it to my wheel? sellotape (yuck!) or blu-tack, any other way?
Quote from Jakg :how do i attacth it to my wheel? sellotape (yuck!) or blu-tack, any other way?

Double sided sticky tape?
Don't know about the gimp thing. When printed should come out 12.2cm wide
#17 - Jakg
Quote from P1lot :Double sided sticky tape?
Don't know about the gimp thing. When printed should come out 12.2cm wide

is that EXACTLY 12.2, or is it "give or take 1 mm", and ill see if i can find some tape!
If it doesn't fit, just take a bit more off the arcs when you cut it out
#19 - Jakg
Quote from P1lot :...approximately

ah - looks like trial and error then - oh well, bloody useful thing so i dont care!
awsome idea , i'll print it out later when i can be botherd hehe..

thanks for this