I'm working on an (almost) fictional DTM skin for FXR... obviously inspired by Mercedes DTM entries. Should I let it go public as soon as I finish it? Do you like it? Will you use it?
Unfortunately, paintwise there's no such thing as flat silver. We have to either use flat grey and leave the shining to the shader of the game, or use a sliver gradient. In the above skin I tried all the ready silver/metallic gradients available to PSP and that one was the best in my opinion. Any other attempt produced a rather dull result. In the weekend I will post a couple of examples to judge for yourselves. Of course, there is an alternative. To make my own gradient, but it needs some trial & error experiments and I don't know if it is worth the trouble.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. Ok, I think I have nothing else to add to the skin. Please post your final thoughts and confirm that you want me to realease it publicly.
Oh yes, for the mirror on the number plate, I know it's odd but aesthetically I like it better this way. What I don't like is that the plate is streched (i didn't use the prestreching technicque for this skin, I got lazy ). Ah and something else, do you think I sould paint the mirrors red or leave them black?