Is there a way to start the LFS dedihost at linux boot time? I've tried the screen & winconsole thing (previous in this thread) together with the /dedicated=invisible directive in the config file... But with no success
I've been using the /etc/rc.local file for this, with this code:
Running the /etc/rc.local manually works OK both with the nohup and the screen alternative commands, but not as I reboot
Any clue about how to deal with this?
Many thanks
Is there a way to start the LFS dedihost at linux boot time? I've tried the screen & winconsole thing (previous in this thread) together with the /dedicated=invisible directive in the config file... But with no success

I've been using the /etc/rc.local file for this, with this code:
# Start LFS dedihost
# ------------------
cd ~lfsuser
# Execute the dedihost start:
# ---------------------------
echo "LFS server started by /etc/rc.local at boot" > ./boot_start.log
date >> ./boot_start.log
# nohup wine ./LFS.exe >> ./boot_start.log & echo $! > lfs.pid
screen -d -m -S LFSserver wineconsole --backend=curses ./LFS.exe >> ./boot_start.log & echo $! > lfs.pid
Running the /etc/rc.local manually works OK both with the nohup and the screen alternative commands, but not as I reboot

Any clue about how to deal with this?
Many thanks