I can't find any documentation that specifies what the enumerations are for the weather setting? It seems, at least according to the start menu, that each track has certain weather settings that can be applied.
The only references I can find are from the commands.txt file: /weather=1 :weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood
The distinct text values from the start menu are:
Clear Day
Cloudy Afternoon
Cloudy Sunset
Clear Afternoon
Overcast Day
Cloudy Sunset
Overcast Dusk
Cloudy Morning
What would be the corresponding numeric values?
The only references I can find are from the commands.txt file: /weather=1 :weather : 1,2,3 in Blackwood
The distinct text values from the start menu are:
Clear Day
Cloudy Afternoon
Cloudy Sunset
Clear Afternoon
Overcast Day
Cloudy Sunset
Overcast Dusk
Cloudy Morning
What would be the corresponding numeric values?