The online racing simulator
I hope you will inform us here, if it's ok to stay on server depending on using the tracker.

U will be informed tomorow ASAP
and another one
will the server be available at the spectator tool?
would be great
I think it`s better to have an Tracker than having the other teammates on the Server.
Spectator is ON
I have a question to the rules:
"Shift+S is not allowed if u are stuck in sand, out of fuel, or damaged a full corse yellow will be isued safety car will come on track and a 2nd assistence car will come to help the stranded car out of the gravel or into the pits (depends on the case)"

How does the stranded car get attention? Is it with a chat message like: "#006 stuck in Sand" or "#006 out of fuel"? Or must it wait till the race organizers recognize that there is a car stranded?
i forgot to change that in the rules shift+s will be allowed but u will get a -1lap penalty just like in MoE.

2nd isue youre team mates may not stay on the server cause we are getting the tracker and i don't want anyone messing it up by accidently joining
Sorry to bother you again. Where can I find the link to the Tracker?
are these races always at friday now? this would be very bad for me!!!!
i didn't say the race is going to be on friday i said i'm going to anounce this frinday if i'm moving the race 1 weekend earlyer, the race is still gona be on a sunday from 16:00 but we are yet to decide if we are gona have it in the MoE weekend or 1 week earlyer.
sorry my fault
#38 - Omen
Hello, i want to ask if the B column in the standings thread is the bonus for the FXR and how the 10 points does accomplish.

yes, the FXR teams get a one time bonus of ten points.
Quote from Omen :and how the 10 points does accomplish.

From the rules:

A bonus of 10 points will be given to FXR teams and 5 points to XRR, these points will be given only once after the team does it's first official race

March 20: Kyoto National
March 20 is a Tuesday?
Yes it is. I guess everyone working will have to skip that event, unless its a typo.
yep it was a typo thanks for pointing it out

it is march 18
i'm on a roll today
Whats the series website? I've seen that 'website coming soon' under the forum name for ages...

Also, I have a suggestion: Name the series, LFS GT is way too 'general', I mean, theres already a GT Challenge and a LFS GTR, this series should have a more unique name, just like MoE does
#1 The site, we haven't got the main MoE website up after that's done LFS GT will have a special section on MoE main site, that's the plan.

#2 The name will not change, this name was chosen because LFS GT replicates the style of racing found in FIA GT 3h races with 2 classes GT1 and GT2, i hope u can see the name asosiation.
Quote from Scoop :#2 The name will not change, this name was chosen because LFS GT replicates the style of racing found in FIA GT 3h races with 2 classes GT1 and GT2, i hope u can see the name asosiation.

I can see the name association, just like everyone else does, thats exactly why there are three LFS GT series so far and I suggested giving it a more distinctive name.

EDIT: Looking forward to the site update
1. Question: Did you solve the serverproblem? So that we race on the LFS-GT server and not on the MoE server again (which seem to be really unstable).

2. Question: Who will drive the last hour of the race, while Schumi doing his last ever race in F1 history?
Quote from Vykos69 :2. Question: Who will drive the last hour of the race, while Schumi doing his last ever race in F1 history?

Seriously....I am not really willing to miss that.....
This thread is closed