The online racing simulator
lfs tracker
(7 posts, started )
lfs tracker
hi guys,

where can i get the LFS-Tracker to download to use it on my own website?
(you know, the one they were using on the 24h race on Kyoto)

noone knows about this?????
AFAIK, there is only ONE tracker and its not a program, you can download or sth. But cant tell you any more.
you have to ask wollet about it, his email is a the bottom of the page. i dont think though that he is sharing it, but maybe he will add your league for you...
i think i wrote an email to him, but i got no reply so far...

so i have to ask him if he sets the series on his list???
i heard of it but cant find a download link, try lfs companion
yep i did it. and i am using it for the series. for becky!

lfs tracker
(7 posts, started )