FXR and UFR?? XFR & UFR maybe. I'd race, but it's still too far in the future to tell. If I have the time, I'll race, if not I'll be doing uni work or watching motorsports on the telly
More powerful cars require a more rounded driver to be fast, competitive and clean. Its easy to find people with one of those things, but all three are hard to find. And remember it only takes one to ruin a race at turn 1.
i think the fox on aston club is deffinatly worht a look. but as said b4, as a side event. maybe held before or after (different days?) the classic ATC GP session?
Yeah it would be a long one - but it's such a cool track it'd be worth it.
Gotta say though - I think the FOX lends itself to close racing quite well. Sure not like the UF1 but even on public servers there is lots of close races with this car.