Exactly what Sir Angry was talking about, Faster is eager to learn, although he may be a bit to eager to post, who isn't? I mean look at some of the replys he gets, people have some sort vendetta against him because you disagree with his threads or whatever, but wherever you go someone is allways going to dislike the way you do things.
Threads like this illustrate the problem that Sir Angry pointed out, the atmosphere in this place is plain bolloks and it's the same online to, I constantly have people that have been around alot lomger than me tell me how annoyed they are with things online just now and I guess we're not the only ones.
I'm actually quite glad we have Faster, atleast he hasn't came out of nowhere and made 3thousand posts in 6 months, things like this are needed to knock things back into shape.
And Faster, keep trying, don't bother about the lap times, it's more fun bein slow and finishing a 5 lap race than having 1 fast lap and crashing.