OK guys – looks as if the idea has worked.
We are now moving up the charts and it has even provoked another thread
All I wanted to do was get LFS mentioned / publicised out there.
IT DESERVES it even if the place it is listed is not considered by all to be the best in the bunch.
ANY advertising for LFS is GOOD
Even if it only means that one person happens across it and goes have a look at the sim just because he / she sees it listed – that a job well done
Having it listed / publicises is the key – and the more the better
The developers deserve the extra revenue that new licence holders will bring in and let’s face it one good look at it and the more discerning among the masses will make the purchase.
This is NOT (in my opinion) wasting forum time and or space – it is getting LFS out to the masses where it belongs. Are ya with me guys / gals ?