The online racing simulator
The Logitech MOMO Crazy Calibration
Hey I gotta question.

From time to time, when i start lfs for the first time. My MOMO goes bonkers! turning left to right, fast even if the car is completely still waiting to go on the track. Once you grab the wheel, and turn it left to right, it usually goes away, but sometimes it doesn't, and requires a complete restart of lfs. I always hookup my hardware the same way each time, so i dont know, anyone else encounter this calibration issue too?
#3 - Gunn
You might also try SHIFT+C (in LFS), which will reinitialise your controller(s).
Make sure that your Logitech software is running before you start LFS, sometimes calibration can be "missing" until the Logitech software is happy that the wheel is present.
It's not a bad idea to turn your wheel fully left and right, and move your pedals throughout their entire range too, every time you play, just to be sure that the full range has been reported to software.

Additionally, check to make sure that your centering spring is set to zero.

I hope one or some of these ideas helps solve your issue.
Look for a patch called MomoRacingPedalsFix on the wingman site.
It cleared up all my problems, and they haven't returned ( well over a year).

Here's another thing that might help. Before you start LFS, go to the windows control panel and the game controller - do a cal there ( forget the wingman software). On my computer, it's never quite right until I've rotated the wheels and fully depressed both pedals.

Then start LFS, and while the opening screen is playing, turn the wheel full left and right, and depress both pedals. Do this anytime you computer has been rebooted.
So what you're saying is that you never run the logitech profiler while playing lfs?
Only do the cab in windows and then start lfs and while starting up turn the wheel all the way to the left and right?
I'm gonna try that one, hope this finally helps...
update your drivers and use logitech profiler.thats the solutions of possible issues.
Yea just like stated about once I start up LFS and enter my first race I'll have to turn the wheel lock to lock and depress all the pedals. After that everything is calibrated and set to go.

Ow yeah, that just worked!
I updated the driver to version 4.60 and did a cal in windows, then startup the profiler and startup lfs from there. That's just great!

But now i'm having trouble with my laptimes. They're about 2 seconds slower because i'm not used to a well calibrated wheel