To get the demo, you just download the full version of the game. Until you 'unlock' the extra S1 or S2 content you just have the demo content. As Bob showed on that page, you get the XF GTI, XR GT, and XR GT Turbo cars, and the Blackwood track with the demo.
yeah u;ve downloaded it. Thanks for all the help guys! Now igotta get a wheel...
speaking of wheels, how do people get really cool rims like black ones with silver lips and stuff?
Depends how you look at it. Any dirt cheap wheel is likely to disappoint, I'd recommend saving and spending the cash if you're going to get into this seriously.
for now i just bought the cheapest controller (like a ps2 controller) logitech makes for pc, it's pretty good for 20 bucks. enough to hold me over until i can get a wheel
I found, when I was waiting for my wheel, that a joystick was a good controller for LFS. The thumbsticks on gamepads and controllers are so short that it's really difficult to be as accurate as you need to be, when driving quickly with other cars nearby.
Keyboard and button steering and acceleration/braking aren't ideal either.. steering in isn't supposed to be an on-off switch. The sim is written with a steering wheel in mind as the controller of choice, and those of us who have a wheel (most of us, I'd guess), would never go back to anything else