i have test a lot of wheels the last half year :
- thrusmaster (3types, 8 wheels)
- logitech (2types, 3 wheels)
okey, i will tell the problems what i had with it and i hope i help you when u want to buy a new one.
okey lets start with the begin:
i was driving for over 3 years with Logitech MoMo 2 wheels every time when i had the wheel for 2,5 year i had problems with steering, centering and brake/gas pedels. the steering proplem is hard to say but when u steer fast and u start at 80 left to 80 right (oversting out of the courner) i stock on 60 right . i hope u can follow it
pedel problems is that the brake/gas padel stock on 10% gas , so that is with the live for speed BF! 180 km 6 gear without press the pendal.
a good friend of my had a thrustmaster wheel i have try that wheel for 1 day and after that i was 1 sec faster with that wheel then with my own wheel.
so i bought my a thrustmaster.
the type wheel what i have bought is a Thrusmaster FGT 2 in 1 Force Feedback first the is a very good (for 2 weeks
)/ cheap wheel.
the problem is the button's. after 100 a 200 times pressin one button it's stock. okey i dont know the numbers but this is 2 weeks driving for me.
but this wheel is steering so good that i have had 6 of this one (in 2 month time).
after the 2 month i though okey time for a new one
this time the Thrusmaster Rallye gt pro force feedback okey, i liked the steering of Thrusmaster so much that i though this one is more expensive so the button's are better. okey sound stupid it was all so 1 week
after this wheel i have bought the Logitech Driving Force Pro .
okey this is the wheel. i have the wheel now for over 1,5 monght and not even one shit what is not good of the wheel.
i have bough today also a new wheel the new thrustmaster request later
okey this is a lot of information from some guy who cant spreak as good as english.
so here i have give the types some numbers:
Thrustmaster: Driving feelings life time
- FGT 2-in-1 RUMBLE FORCE 6 3
- Logitch Momo 7.5 8
- Logitech Driving Force Pro 9.5 9
okey i hope u can do somethink with my information, i dont have give the logitech driving force pro a 10 because i dont know or the G25 (new wheel of logitech) is better i hope he doesn't have the same problem then the momo
i am very scary about the steering problems becaus it have two force feedback engines
i have test a lot of wheels the last half year :
- thrusmaster (3types, 8 wheels)
- logitech (2types, 3 wheels)
okey, i will tell the problems what i had with it and i hope i help you when u want to buy a new one.
okey lets start with the begin:
i was driving for over 3 years with Logitech MoMo 2 wheels every time when i had the wheel for 2,5 year i had problems with steering, centering and brake/gas pedels. the steering proplem is hard to say but when u steer fast and u start at 80 left to 80 right (oversting out of the courner) i stock on 60 right . i hope u can follow it

a good friend of my had a thrustmaster wheel i have try that wheel for 1 day and after that i was 1 sec faster with that wheel then with my own wheel.
so i bought my a thrustmaster.
the type wheel what i have bought is a Thrusmaster FGT 2 in 1 Force Feedback first the is a very good (for 2 weeks

the problem is the button's. after 100 a 200 times pressin one button it's stock. okey i dont know the numbers but this is 2 weeks driving for me.
but this wheel is steering so good that i have had 6 of this one (in 2 month time).
after the 2 month i though okey time for a new one

after this wheel i have bought the Logitech Driving Force Pro .
okey this is the wheel. i have the wheel now for over 1,5 monght and not even one shit what is not good of the wheel.
i have bough today also a new wheel the new thrustmaster request later
okey this is a lot of information from some guy who cant spreak as good as english.
so here i have give the types some numbers:
Thrustmaster: Driving feelings life time
- FGT 2-in-1 RUMBLE FORCE 6 3
- Logitch Momo 7.5 8
- Logitech Driving Force Pro 9.5 9
okey i hope u can do somethink with my information, i dont have give the logitech driving force pro a 10 because i dont know or the G25 (new wheel of logitech) is better i hope he doesn't have the same problem then the momo

i am very scary about the steering problems becaus it have two force feedback engines