The online racing simulator
14th October - XFR Blackwood REVERSE
Sticking with the traditional XFR for now, as 1.) its my personal favourite, 2.) we know it works 3.) its my personal favourite 4.) cropsy hates it

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Please sign up via the links provided in the post if you want to race. Please let me know if you sign up and then find out you cannot make it.

Full Race Details Below:


Date: Saturday 14th October.
Time: Server Opens: 18:00 BST
Open Qual: 18:25 BST (25 minutes)
Race Start: 19:00 BST
LFS Version: S2 (latest patch to date)

Server: ATC 60 Lap GP
Track: Blackwood Reverse



We use some CRC Rules as guidelines. THESE ARE ONLY GUIDELINES but please try to follow them:

1. Incidents: If you hit another driver and gain a position advantage it is good sportsmanship to allow that driver to retake his position. We do not expect you to stop racing. Use your head, give some courtosy.

2. Defensive driving: Blocking is all part of a great race. You are allowed to block other drivers from passing you as long as:

(1) No deliberate contact is made

(2) the other driver is NOT beside you. If the driver is already beside you DO NOT force that driver off of the track.

3. Exiting pits: When exiting pits make sure that it is clear before you enter onto the racing line. Use of the track map and the look left & right keys/buttons is recommended. If cars are approaching, do NOT leave the pit lane unless you are fighting for position - Please do NOT cross the pit exit line when leaving the pits unless there is an obstruction that makes it impossible not to do so.

4. Re-entering track: If you go off the track in a race DO NOT reset the car or drive back onto the track. You could possibly ruin another race in progress. Again, you should use your map and look controls to see if anyone is coming. If you do re-enter the track safely but are too slow and drivers are getting closer behind you... drive off the racing line, or if necessary, pull off to the side of the track to give room.

5. Car Damage / Fuel: If your car gets severely damaged in an incident and you want to try and make it back to the pit lane, then, drive off the racing line to let faster cars past. If you run out of fuel get off the racing line as soon as possible or pit right away. We recommend that you turn your hazard lights on to let other players know you are a caution on the track (press 9 on your keyboard. 0 to turn them off).

6. Contact: Rubbing and tapping are all parts or everyday racing, so, this is allowed as long as it doesn't harm anyone's race or gain you an advantage. Due to occasional lag, small taps may cause a major crash, so be careful!

7. Race Rules: If you are being lapped by leaders please let them pass you, when it is safe do to so ( i.e. not in the middle of a chicane ), and as quickly as possible. You should be told by an on screen message if you are being lapped, the words “Blue Flag� will be displayed.

8. Pitting: Pitting can become dangerous if you do not pay attention. It is required that you drive in the 'pit lane' used to enter and exit the pits. Don't drive straight across every pit box, instead go to the furthest available pitbox. - This will allow more drivers to pit safely on the same lap(s)

9. Deliberate Corner Cutting: Deliberate Corner cutting is not liked. Please dont do it.

**NOTE: As this is not a CRC Event some of the above rules are flexible and are meant as guidelines only. We DO expect all participents to follow these guidelines as if the way you drove had consequences in real life.

If a driver who has entered the race is unable to attend on the day it is upto THAT DRIVER to find a replacement to drive for him and to let ATC Franky500 know about the change as soon as it is known. (e-mail: [email protected]). If the driver is unable to find a replacement then a reserve driver will be given the space.

All results and replays will be posted on the LFS Forum within 72 hours of the race. Please feel free to post your own race reports in a thread which will be provided on the day.

To enter the event please fill in the form HERE

Confirmed Drivers:

ATC Franky500
ATC Dadge
ATC Quicksilver
[ITEK] The End
1ST ; R. vd Kooij
4x4 freak
Oh no not Blackwood Reverse!

Im in, signed up!!
#3 - Vain
I love XFR/BL GP Rev. Absolutely stunning combo.

But I'm racing STCC round 3 to that time.

Quote from Vain :I love XFR/BL GP Rev. Absolutely stunning combo.

But I'm racing STCC round 3 to that time.


when exactly? and how many others will it effect??
#5 - Vain
The STCC event will start on 7pm BST and usually lasts some 2 hours. Don't know who it'll effect, though.

Perfect opportunity to plug a possible ATC mini GP that i have been talking to franky about.

The idea is to have a 30 lap race using the UFR on the same track as the main 60 lap GP. It is likely to run at a different time, possibly saturday depending on what people prefer. Still a work in progress atm.
#7 - Vain
Sure, saturday is a great idea. 30 laps is also great. The close racing is over by that time anyway.
But don't take the XFR away from me.

I'm in.
Quote from Vain :I love XFR/BL GP Rev. Absolutely stunning combo.

But I'm racing STCC round 3 to that time.


I'm in the same boat as you mate dam stcc
Is everybody available for the same times on Saturday,? Could bring it back a day
Quote from franky500 :Is everybody available for the same times on Saturday,? Could bring it back a day

I'm happy on that Saturday coming.
you know im around all the time, unless in pain
I'm in too.
i don't think i'll enter this one guys, i do not have the best of luck in this configuration.
Dont you dare dadgieo! This is so that you can have your belovered westhill! You NEED to be on that grid... Dont make me get the stick out dadge...
Quote from franky500 :Sticking with the traditional XFR for now, as 1.) its my personal favourite, 2.) we know it works 3.) its my personal favourite 4.) cropsy hates it

The XFR is a great car, you should stick to it. You need to come up with better tracks though... Blackwood rev, meh. I doubt I will be in this one.
Ok, im officially entering Dadge and Cropsy.
Quote from Cropsy :The XFR is a great car, you should stick to it. You need to come up with better tracks though... Blackwood rev, meh. I doubt I will be in this one.

I had a go on it last night. Was very interesting to do, because its like Monaco, very little overtaking involved, just gotta force them into a mistake, or use the slipstream on the straight and there you have it .
blackwood rev



60 laps .... oh, wait
I'll race whatever, wherever, whenever,and this could be fun! I'm in

I love Blackwood, I've done many more many miles in a GTi at blackwood than is healthy. so it shouldn't pose too many issues but it does force me into using the XFR. It feels like a tank (well, sort of) compared to the UFR, but is a lot quicker in a straight line.

My job is a bugger at the moment (working a 10 hour nightshift ) so I'm not going to get much practice in, but I'm fairly sure i'll finish well, IF there's no disasters!
the slight left into T1 is where i think all the pain will be, when you lift a bit to keep the car tight for the next turn (3rd or 4th gear right) the car likes to step out and imo this will cause alot of trouble to drivers who have not done much practice.
i have noticed my name and cropsy's has been put down for this race even tho we have not entered into it :S i will not be making a setup for this race or practicing for it as i know that i already don't like the config. i'm at work right now so i am a bit grumpy so maybe when i get home i will give it a whirl but i am not guarenteeing anything.

although i would of had KY NAT REV as it is a much more open track and allows for overtaking

YOU GET ME!!!!! :P
#24 - Vain
There are as many overtaking possibilities as on Bl GP. They are just a bit more technical (read: easier if undefended, but harder if the one in front knows his stuff).
The long straight is good for a drafting-maneuver even more than in normal direction, because the entry speed to the straight is higher. Out-braking someone from the straight to the chicane is very possible, even if unelegant.
The start/finish straight is good for a pass as you can force someone wide in T1 with a good exit from the hairpin.
The split-time-straight after T3 into the reversed esses is also a good passing opportunity because the ideal line is far on the outside, so you can shove yourself up the inside.
Passing is easier here than on standard BL GP.

Not sure if I'm about that weekend but I'm in if I am.