A brief history.
Heart of Racing were created by Alt-Ctrl (me) in August 2006, Yahh joined a few days after that. The site have been up for a while now, and we have our own server. After a while we decided to ask o[O]phus to join the team, and he did
Our goal
Our goal is to have fun, but we are serious when it comes to the racing bit.
We are not aiming to be the number one team, it isn't important to be fast, what is important is that you race in a fair and hones way, and able to show others respect. If you're fast to, thats good
We are going to have both the server and the site up for allmost two years, so we won't go away just like that
What we want from you
Not much, but a few things.
You should have some track time, so you know the basic rules, and how things work, though its not a must. But it would help you.
We are not going to be a team that pushes our members to be online a set amount of time each month (I'm currently quite laid back there myself at the moment)
But when team events occur a rare time we would appreciate your help, if youre able.
How the recruiting will be done
1: Go to www.heartofracing.com, register and enter the forums
2: Start a new thread in the recruitment section of the forum, the topic should ONLY CONTAIN YOUR USERNAME AND NICKNAME
3: Enter the following details in your thread.
1 Your LFS Username?
2 Age?
3 Experienced?
4 Why you want to join a team?
5 What kind of team do you want?
6 What kinda person are you? (funny, serious, just following what others do, angry, frustrated)
7 Do you have other abilities but racing? (Making movies, skinning, photoshoping and stuff like that)
We want to know you a little bit before we decide to let you in the team or not. The decition will not be made over night, if you think we are using a long time on the decition you can ask us to hurry up or if we have forgotten you. But don't yagg about it.
If you want to join the team, racing one of the team mebers could be a good idea. Our lfs account names are these.
MyBoss (Alt-Ctrl)
audimasta (Yahh)
oophus (o[O]phus)
Any questions, just ask
Heart of Racing were created by Alt-Ctrl (me) in August 2006, Yahh joined a few days after that. The site have been up for a while now, and we have our own server. After a while we decided to ask o[O]phus to join the team, and he did

Our goal
Our goal is to have fun, but we are serious when it comes to the racing bit.
We are not aiming to be the number one team, it isn't important to be fast, what is important is that you race in a fair and hones way, and able to show others respect. If you're fast to, thats good

We are going to have both the server and the site up for allmost two years, so we won't go away just like that

What we want from you
Not much, but a few things.
You should have some track time, so you know the basic rules, and how things work, though its not a must. But it would help you.
We are not going to be a team that pushes our members to be online a set amount of time each month (I'm currently quite laid back there myself at the moment)
But when team events occur a rare time we would appreciate your help, if youre able.
How the recruiting will be done
1: Go to www.heartofracing.com, register and enter the forums
2: Start a new thread in the recruitment section of the forum, the topic should ONLY CONTAIN YOUR USERNAME AND NICKNAME
3: Enter the following details in your thread.
1 Your LFS Username?
2 Age?
3 Experienced?
4 Why you want to join a team?
5 What kind of team do you want?
6 What kinda person are you? (funny, serious, just following what others do, angry, frustrated)
7 Do you have other abilities but racing? (Making movies, skinning, photoshoping and stuff like that)
We want to know you a little bit before we decide to let you in the team or not. The decition will not be made over night, if you think we are using a long time on the decition you can ask us to hurry up or if we have forgotten you. But don't yagg about it.
If you want to join the team, racing one of the team mebers could be a good idea. Our lfs account names are these.
MyBoss (Alt-Ctrl)
audimasta (Yahh)
oophus (o[O]phus)
Any questions, just ask