New still only have demo till i transfer funds and get the full licence.
Yet im impressed enough to be buying ultimate gear for it.
Dell 3007WFP 30” wide screen LCD .
As far as i can tell the game ,or Sim does not support 2506x1600 or whatever it is native to such a monitor.
Am i correct?
as i cannot get license till tomorow to check.
Anyone link me to support or whatever on upcoming graphics and future resuloutions.?
Any help here would be app
New still only have demo till i transfer funds and get the full licence.
Yet im impressed enough to be buying ultimate gear for it.
Dell 3007WFP 30” wide screen LCD .
As far as i can tell the game ,or Sim does not support 2506x1600 or whatever it is native to such a monitor.
Am i correct?
as i cannot get license till tomorow to check.
Anyone link me to support or whatever on upcoming graphics and future resuloutions.?
Any help here would be app
