The online racing simulator
Online problem (others won´t see me)
(48 posts, started )
this is the replay of myself invisible, i connected to redline server which has lfslapper, i stayed idle so lfslapper put me to spectate, after a while i rejoined and i asked other people if they could see me amd no they couldn't. i saved the replay and asked for some holy sould to do the same and post here, let's hope...

btw i think there is no doubt about the reason, however i promised this replay, so here it is...
Attached files
invisible.mpr - 1.9 MB - 271 views
Attached is the replay "test.mpr", after about half an hour my team mates realized that my car was no longer visible.

At Qualy-time 33:16 I ("KR-schofei") parked my car and for a test I asked my team mate "KR-Steffen Luther" to hit my car. I had to tell him my car's position for he couldn't see it.

He hit my car but with no damage on his side, whereas my car got damaged.
Attached files - 1.8 MB - 386 views
Further to Honey's request (see her post above) for someone else to save the replay from my Redline Racing server earlier today, I attach my save of the same race, I have watched it back and can confirm the replay is exactly what I saw 'live'.

I noted that during the replay, I do get the message 'Honey has joined the session' followed by 'Honey has left the pits (FOX)' but despite getting those messages, her car is not visible and when switching to view her car, the camera is fixed looking at an empty pit bay where the car should have appeared...

Hope this is of some use.
Attached files
Honey Bug from EVO's - 1.8 MB - 387 views
thanks Shoe Maker and schofei, with those replays i think scawen will have a full idea of what happens and hopefully it may help in fixing it with the solution he is already implementing. thanks guys and gals

good work scawen!
Quote from schofei :Attached is the replay "test.mpr", after about half an hour my team mates realized that my car was no longer visible.

At Qualy-time 33:16 I ("KR-schofei") parked my car and for a test I asked my team mate "KR-Steffen Luther" to hit my car. I had to tell him my car's position for he couldn't see it.

He hit my car but with no damage on his side, whereas my car got damaged.

So there is more than one way how the bug appears? As far as I have heard from it, usually the invisible one and the others can't tough each others at all. Not even in that way that the invisible gets hit by others, while others "don't touch anything at the same time"?

At least by looking at the spr I uploaded, Honey doesn't seem to be moving (from my replay) when I drive my car right in to same place where her car is - at least his car isn't moving in my replay suggesting that there is no contact in any way.

But let's hope the big has vanished for now
Quote from Hyperactive :So there is more than one way how the bug appears? As far as I have heard from it, usually the invisible one and the others can't tough each others at all. Not even in that way that the invisible gets hit by others, while others "don't touch anything at the same time"?

At least by looking at the spr I uploaded, Honey doesn't seem to be moving (from my replay) when I drive my car right in to same place where her car is - at least his car isn't moving in my replay suggesting that there is no contact in any way.

But let's hope the big has vanished for now

actually, the invisible user is frequently rammed by others, ideed everytime i had guessed by noticing cars take racing line careless of the fact i am there, so i get rammed but right after the crash the other car continue smoothly on the racing line as nothing would have happened, in fact the other guy by HIS point of view is never able to hit the invisible one (actually there is a probability of 1/(65536-1024) that the invisible guy can become visible again each time he do spectate/join actions).
does this still happen to others? well, it does to me....
On (FM) Oval Server with Lapper ver. 3.2 installed, i joined race from spectating after race was restarted, but before lights turned on.
I'm running U20 with no other insims, no firewall, no wireless connection and my ping was fine. (although i have many timeouts the last 2months while everything was fine the last 2years)
attached are the mprs from my pc, and from another driver.
First noticed something is wrong when hunter appeared on my right side and suddenly was left to me. i hit the wall, he continued with no damage. after i rejoined the lapper kept on telling me my topspeed of 0kmh and finally spectated me for non-activity.
Attached files
barneyinvisiblefromplaztik.mpr - 385.9 KB - 217 views
barneyinvisible.mpr - 317.4 KB - 231 views
So what's the solution? I've been having the same problem on a few servers. Probably both running In-Sim. Can't say 100% sure. Don't know enough about all this, tbh.
Hope somebody helps me. Scawen told me to read this, but for solving this I'm none the wiser.
Thanks in advance!
The solution is to join hosts running U20.

Because the solution was on the host side, and that is not yet in the official released version (currently U)... it's only in the test patch - but most hosts are still running official version U.

When we move onto official patch V then most hosts will upgrade and the problem should vanish (unless you join a U host).
I think you're mistaken there. I'm on a U20 server right now and the same problem has occured. I've also got U20 installed, btw. The server I'm on does have an In-Sim app running. Could that still be an option for causing it?
Sorry, you're right, I am mistaken.

It's fixed in my version, which is not yet released. Not in U20.
Ok. Are you able to let us know how far patch V is from completion?
No, but there will be at least one test patch before patch V.

I've been working on the automatic updating system (auto patcher) which is quite complicated but nearly finsihed. And now I've been sidetracked onto the Vista issues (unlocking and sound).

I don't know how long they will take to finish, and there is a long list of other things I could add to a compatible patch.

Anyway... I hope it will be sooner rather than later, if that's any help!
Quote from Scawen :I've been working on the automatic updating system (auto patcher)

Very nice indeed
I'm not sure if this is worth reporting anymore if it is indeed fixed.

But this bug happened tonight in a big way. I've seen this only once before and then there was only 1 invisible car. But tonight all cars (3 of them) where invisible to all others! Never seen or heard in this scale. No join/pit/spectate or back to entry screen helped, even tryed several times. All decided to leave the server and rejoin. When tryed to reconnect it complained that it cannot get "guest information" from the server (which was already empty at that time) and connection was closed. Tryed this several times too, but always the same message.

The server is U20 and my version is U20 too.

If this makes sense compared to the found bug and fix, then fine. I was just little worried cause now it looked really bad and the whole server was impossible to join in the end
Quote from Scawen :It's fixed in my version, which is not yet released. Not in U20.

It wasn't fixed in U20. The bug is supposed to be fixed in versions later than U20.

Note : It is the host that must be upgraded, not the guests.

I suppose your report does sound like the bug that should be fixed. If it happens often on that host then it would be a good test case for the fix.
The server (PCT-motorsport) is still in the odd state and obviously needs rebooting. So trying to join it now at least shows the join error message... if there is any need seeing that.

I've been racing there quite often and never seen this before there. So I'm not sure if it is any better test lab than some other server. (unless it starts to show more often)
I was racing in a race hosted by CORE this morning and we had a similar problem.

Maybe Banshee can reveal some details on the host side of things but I was running V5 patch and have a cable connection which didn't seem to have any probs.

Mid-20lap race the connection bar seems fine, people can talk and we can see split times and pb's... just the cars on the map seem stationary and there's no other cars on the road, replaced with a lag bar up top (yet no connection lag!)

I thought it was good cause I had no cars to lap while in the lead, so that's all good, but hey, wasn't all that exciting and realistic!

Replay attached: (3 parts due to size)
Attached files
CORE race FZR KY3.part1.rar - 1.4 MB - 251 views
CORE race FZR KY3.part2.rar - 1.4 MB - 251 views
CORE race FZR KY3.part3.rar - 602.8 KB - 229 views
Thanks for posting that Scottie. What seems odd about this is that I checked things server side to restart the server, I had trouble keeping the server running. I checked and rechecked the setup file, and even reinstalled the server files with no change in stability. It may have been a server hardware issue, but still strange that we could all still race, see and send messages, and register finishing positions. Scottie won the race, and when he finished, it was just behind me. When I entered turn 1, I was removed from the race with the message "banshee56 did not finish".

Now that I think about it, I wonder if it was my ADSL connection that was a bit of the cause, I kept disconnecting and reconnecting to Ventrilo. When I finally quit racing LFS for the evening, I opened the Vent server interface to find 5 connections to the Vent server.

Really strange.

BTW, the server is running V5, and is located in Texas, so it was fairly close to almost all that were participating in the event.
This issue seems to be happening to a friend of mine now. Short mpr attached. If you look at Vallo quickly you can see him beeing invisible in the pits with lag message. It actually starts with that he can race fine and after 10-20-30 minutes of driving he's car dissapears, goes into lag and its start counting but it can go on for another 30 minutes before he actually gots disconnected from the server. Meanwhile he can see chat stuff, just not cars.
Any ideas?
Here is another longer race replay. You can see him go lag in lap 16 and only times out around lap 30 while he was practicly driving alone on his own race. Making a stat of this replay show that he indeed was driving until lap 29, it shows he's laptimes.
Attached files
endlesslag.mpr - 104.1 KB - 225 views
He is lagging big time, but not quite enough to cause him to disconnect from the server.

I have experienced this in a race before, i was happily in 3rd place, but then my position kept changing 3rd 4th 3rd 4th, and i was thinking what the hell is going on!?!?

It all became clear at the end of the blackwood straight a few laps later, as it turned out that i was in fact racing another that was lagging really badly, so badly in fact that his car was not even visible on track, but whatever was causing the lag suddenly stopped, and then the invisible car i had been trading places with suddenly became visible, about 2 inches in front of me, needless to say that was nowhere near enough time or distance to react, so i ended up slamming into his car and putting him in the gravel.
Well, I can't fix the problem. We tried changing networking parts like adsl modem and router and lan card, and it won't go away.
Also it seemes to be related to the number of the ppl on the server because when only 1-2-3 are on the server its not happening, but when more than 5-6 then it does.