for whom LFS has become the only game in town?
Players who believe that LFS has become the de facto standard in physics modeling with regards to driving, tire and collision.
Players who having found the "holy grail", cannot bring themselves to play any other mediocre "Physics deficient" games.
Players who don't have the time to play online, and Players who are desperately seeking some good AI to race.
Please DEVS, I know LFS was developed to be an online multiplayer game, but can you move "decent AI" up the implementation list?
PS- I would gladly take the excellent AI of the GTR2 demo which has horrendously flawed physics any day of the week. Just copy and paste
As the GOLD STANDARD in physics modelling, do you not now owe it to the sim community to have at least decent AI?
Players who believe that LFS has become the de facto standard in physics modeling with regards to driving, tire and collision.
Players who having found the "holy grail", cannot bring themselves to play any other mediocre "Physics deficient" games.
Players who don't have the time to play online, and Players who are desperately seeking some good AI to race.
Please DEVS, I know LFS was developed to be an online multiplayer game, but can you move "decent AI" up the implementation list?
PS- I would gladly take the excellent AI of the GTR2 demo which has horrendously flawed physics any day of the week. Just copy and paste


As the GOLD STANDARD in physics modelling, do you not now owe it to the sim community to have at least decent AI?