The online racing simulator
Team Redline skin studies, indeck and ad stuff done for lfs overtime.

Team Redline skin studies lead me to output a few renders in form of postcards. Maybe u enjoy them to mail that extra-gf u have in croacia.
This then lead me to continue work with the surface materials and tyres using the indeck skin at higher res. I post this now a bit offtiming because it was considered ban material at previous forum. they made special rules and im sure they were proud to follow them. i hope its ok here now.

If u have curiosity, you can also check out some ad related material i did for lfs overtime. from oldies to more recent stuff including latest logo is there. just a repository of some material for now.

ps: sorry about this recent rash of posts but im kinda posting what i wasnt allowed before, coz i wanna move on but i guess some of you might enjoy seeing this media that you werent allowed to before.
#2 - steve
To many nazimods over at that other forum
I am in love with those tires, the texture and look of them is so schexy.

Have you thought about how Champ Car labels their tires too? The softs have a red line around the sidewall. Pretty cool

But this aint champ car, this is LFS, anything goes Just the writing is cooler. I like how some people have taken the tire texturing to another level by putting the chalk and even the sticker on it, kinda nice.

LOL, sup steve (I like orange)
#4 - steve
Tires look good, it would nice to see graphics like that ingame
Yes orange is a nice color :P
what about rule 1.4??????????

seriously, they are awesome renders, just a shame thats a #5
its not really important what the tyres say. in fact that CromoR2 is done as temp placeholder. what matters to me is the definition of properties. how things react to light etc. anyway i wanted to remain faithful to game stuff. i used a variation of the exact tyres.raw i distributed like 3 y ago at previous forums. i didnt edit reflection errors some poly normals cause etc. i left game stuff intact. no vertex was hurt during the shootings.
Quote from RichardTowler :what about rule 1.4??????????

seriously, they are awesome renders, just a shame thats a #5

lmao! OMG 10/10!!!!!
its not my fault chimp crusse didnt favour you! you know him and master kmet have this "special relationship", you shouldnt be jeleous.
one these days ill do you a #5 pink one , but i still have to model the background CLOSET!

btw forgot to say, the TR skin is done by talented Crusse.
Don't go there Jones, KiD will sick on you like a maneating guppy. His renders rule, k thx.
#9 - Nard
OMG, Tracy's car. Evil. That guy is just way too good at driving. And he's also such a good fellow...
He and Sebastien are very good. Heheh, I saw a segment about the two drivers and they always are getting into accidents with each other. Either Tracy thinks it was Bourdais' fault, or vice versa. It is funny --- because it sounds like some of the things we have all experienced online even... "You pulled out in front of me"... "no I didn't, you were on my racing line". Heh, real racing is a great sport Props to Tracy though, he is doing good, but I think Bourdais will win --- with a McDonald's car
WOW! Awesome renders, Kid. Love the lighting and the tire texture/material just looks so real. I suppose it's not done with brazil, right?

Never saw any of your work over at rsc, probably because you were already banned when I joined there. So please, do me and others a favour and keep these old quarrels from rsc out of here. I didn't know anything about it and I really don't want to hear any of it over here.
Quote from Tweaker :Don't go there Jones, KiD will sick on you like a maneating guppy. His renders rule, k thx.

yes, definitely the best LFS renders around. But even the best renders should be posted in the 3D renders forum
very true. I just had a pretty hard time finding this thread again cause I wanted to take another look at the renders and didn't know where they were.
theres a backlog reason for this i didnt just post 3 renders. you have way more material in those urls i pasted (i didnt wanna saturate post with hires imgs) that arent renders. im glad you guys enjoyed it, seems the post was worth it. even if it attracted things that arent.
btw, usage of any pic is free, as long as u respect it, and credit it if u have oportunity for that. i dunno if vic posted the LFS logo psd with easy drag and drop transparency, but if he hasnt, i'll post later.
#15 - L56
Awesome. Those tyres on the F08 look damn real to me.

Will be checking these out, the only one i have had chance to view was the S2stuff.html page.
thats from gtp, L56. its just there to spot who looks with attention or not
rest of site is in the works for a while now, but im so busy lately i dont have that "quality time" to put it together (nor the patience sometimes, coz man i hate pre historic html )
Quote from Mr. Jones :I fully knew what I was it testing the waters if you will. . It was nice to see he didn't bite on the bait actually. I believe he has found a home and is doing some good for the community. Keep him on the Lithium and it's all good.

seems that you're too stupid to even know when people reply to your useless out of the blue trolling. maybe i was too subtle...
go drag yaself in the mud, not others. judging from this thread seems the only antisocial behaviour here is coming from you. dont think just coz you're a lonely loser, you'll get no reply. no need to type twice as if you are superior to others, that will only make you look even more dumb. behave or keep the distance from me, thanks.
Maybe it would be possible to keep your personal squabbles to private messaging, rather than starting to clog up the new forum already?
there is none. i dunno this dude.
But please try not always to say what you think, kidcodea
I wouldnt be happy if you were banned, even though vic is a very forgiving and calm person.
so he admits he just came here trolling twice and i aint allowed to reply? wow impartial...
Could it be any chance of sharing with us how to get those incredible renders?
any 3d soft will do. in this case, lightwave.
tool isnt really important if you know exactly what you want to reach.
only work stands between what you want, and what you achieve.

glad you enjoyed them.
Well... so far I think you've been the only one to 'throw bait at him' -- don't make it sound like he can't turn down something just because you are purposely testing him

Cut it out... sheesh.