I sensed something like this would come up Victor, you had a lot to handle, and not only the helpdesk stuff, but the website development you do just amazes me, it takes a lot of skill to create such a huge network for all of us and take it to the next level. I was kind of hoping for this new LFSWorld, but perhaps that task just seems to big at the moment (I can only imagine), but it is understandable that you are overloaded with so much and just need some time in the real world
. It feels good to break loose once in a while and spend time on other things, so I see no reason to beg you to come back... you deserve to have some time to yourself.
Now the only question that I think remains is who can help take your place with web development. I know you mentioned that you might help with a few things, but this does kind of show we will need a new face for the community. I'd hate to think of replacements right now, but LFS just cannot survive without someone to help control the web portion of the business. And this person would be a very hard person to find Victor, you are quite unique in so many ways.... and you know so much about your "own system" with LFSW and all.
If Geraldine is keeping the Help Desk in order, I do think some other people from the community would gladly help. I for one am a nut with helping people out with this game, and I am sure you've seen that on this forum. I would like to help, if you need it. Being EA's Tech Support taught me a lot (especially because their games are crap and people need so much help
), but I've always been helping people with computers and software. And with a company/product, a few people doing support is not enough to keep from everyone pulling their hair out. Just thought I'd let you know, because I am willing to help 
I was kind of hoping we could design yet another LFS.net site after LFSW was through, but things have changed I guess
I hope something is figured out as soon as humanly possible, this is a big change for LFS and the community, and I suppose we should appreciate a change, rather than feel this is "the end of LFS".
See you around Victor, and hopefully you can get back to making some interesting tunes on that dusty synth of yours

Now the only question that I think remains is who can help take your place with web development. I know you mentioned that you might help with a few things, but this does kind of show we will need a new face for the community. I'd hate to think of replacements right now, but LFS just cannot survive without someone to help control the web portion of the business. And this person would be a very hard person to find Victor, you are quite unique in so many ways.... and you know so much about your "own system" with LFSW and all.
If Geraldine is keeping the Help Desk in order, I do think some other people from the community would gladly help. I for one am a nut with helping people out with this game, and I am sure you've seen that on this forum. I would like to help, if you need it. Being EA's Tech Support taught me a lot (especially because their games are crap and people need so much help

I was kind of hoping we could design yet another LFS.net site after LFSW was through, but things have changed I guess

See you around Victor, and hopefully you can get back to making some interesting tunes on that dusty synth of yours