The online racing simulator
Ending of the Online Racing School
(1 post, started )
#1 - Cawwa
Ending of the Online Racing School
Now we have come to an end of the part 1 of the Online Racing School. We want to end it with STYLE, of course with a race!
All signed up pupils are welcome to take part of this race and I mean ALL. A lot of you have signed up but had take part only with a few lessons, but never the less you are welcome. You are the Choosen ones ...

If you want to take part in this let us know by mail to Cawwa.

Here's how it's going to be for both S2 and Demo drivers:

Date: Saturday October 14
Time: 5 pm (all time are in CEST)

Server: TeamXFR ORS S2
Password: TBA (sending out via email)
Qualifying starts 5 pm and end 5.25 pm
Race starts at 5.30 pm
Track: Aston Grand Touring
Laps: 15 - Pitstop mandatory
Car: FZR

Server: TeamXFR ORS Demo
Password: TBA (sending out via email)
Qualifying for Race 1 starts at 5 pm
Race 1 starts at 5.15 pm
Track: Blackwood Rally
Laps: 10
Car: XRG
- A short Paus - 5 min
Qualifying Race 2 starts right after Race 1 and last for 20 min.
Race 2 starts at latest 6 pm
Track Blackwood GP
Laps: 12 - Pitstop mandatory
Car: XRT

Winner in the Demo group is the one with most points from both races.
Points for each race:
Place - Points
1 - 10p
2 - 8p
3 - 6p
4 - 5p
5 - 4p
6 - 3p
7 - 2p
8 - 1p
9 and below 0p

EDIT: Of course or regular times at this coming Saturday and Wednesdays are open for practise and help.

Ending of the Online Racing School
(1 post, started )