Higher res?
(11 posts, started )
#1 - vpr01
Higher res?
Is there any way to get the resolution any higher than 1280x960? I would like to be able to play at 1280x1024 as it looks better on LCD screens (native res).
im sure there is... it just depends on your graphics card.. my GeForce 5200 128mb can go up to 1600x1200
..not that i would, it has a hard enough time running windowed at 1024x768 with somewhat high settings
hit show non square mode or what ever.
what roadie says, but make sure you can see non-square modes in desktop > properties > advanced settings too, set 1280 x 1024 there and then run lfs and show non-square resolutions.
#5 - vpr01
i run my desktop and all my games in 1280x1024. Thanks for that, should be ok now.

my system is pretty juicy, can do a little better than your FX5200 PCB of garbage :P
wow you're HOT
#8 - vpr01
i used to have one too... couldnt bear it any longer so spunked what little money i had on a new setup. i deserve bragging rights
#9 - BATOR
Doesn't it depend more on your monitor that your G/Card ? minimal 17" to run above 1024 x 768
Quote from BATOR :Doesn't it depend more on your monitor that your G/Card ? minimal 17" to run above 1024 x 768

Tell that to the 15.4 inch LCD I'm looking at in 1280x800.

It depends on the monitor only if your monitor is uber-cheesy.

Also, anyone else note the irony of calling them "non square modes"? I mean, I understand it means the pixels aren't square, but none of the modes are actually "square" anyways.
lol skiingman.. dont worry, i have always wondered the same things too.. why do they call it "square" when it really isnt even square... might never know

usually its what the graphics card can handle, and the monitor itself.
monitor wise it depends on how many pixels it can show through the display
video card wise it depends on what it can / cant handle

and btw vpr.. about my video card, its not that its garbage.. its just cheap lol

Higher res?
(11 posts, started )