The online racing simulator
How Do I Make My G25 Turn Same Amount as Cars in the Game? (Degrees of Rotation)
I tried searching and it said to mess with the wheel turn compensation. I tried it on 1.0 and on 0 and neither make it one to one. I think I read someone set it so that it will change the degrees of rotation according to the car.

The way I have it now has the same degree's of rotation on my wheel no matter what car it is, and when I turn 90*, it shows up as more than 90* in the game. Any help please?!
What version of LFS are you using?
I don't UNFORTUNATELY have a G25, but I am certain this will work.

If you have any settings for the properties of the wheel outside of LFS then make sure that they are set to use your wheel's full 900 degrees of rotation.

Firstly, the Wheel Turn Compensation tab is ONLY for wheels that have less than 300 degrees of rotation, to make them less sensitive in the middle. As you have a 900 degree wheel you should be setting this to zero.

So anyway, the follow settings should be used in LFS:

Wheel Turn: 900
Wheel Turn Compensation: 0

What this will do is that in the MRT you will only need 240 degrees (i think) for maximum lock, and 720 degrees of steering for maximum lock on say the XRT

Quote from DaveWS :I don't UNFORTUNATELY have a G25, but I am certain this will work.

If you have any settings for the properties of the wheel outside of LFS then make sure that they are set to use your wheel's full 900 degrees of rotation.

Firstly, the Wheel Turn Compensation tab is ONLY for wheels that have less than 300 degrees of rotation, to make them less sensitive in the middle. As you have a 900 degree wheel you should be setting this to zero.

So anyway, the follow settings should be used in LFS:

Wheel Turn: 900
Wheel Turn Compensation: 0

What this will do is that in the MRT you will only need 240 degrees (i think) for maximum lock, and 720 degrees of steering for maximum lock on say the XRT

So make degrees of rotation 900 in BOTH Wingman Profiler and in LFS, then set Compensation to 0?

U22 patch has bugs, not sure I want to update yet. And it mentions nothing about Wheel rotation?

Quote from Chongl :So make degrees of rotation 900 in BOTH Wingman Profiler and in LFS, then set Compensation to 0?

U22 patch has bugs, not sure I want to update yet. And it mentions nothing about Wheel rotation?


Yes use exactly those settings (900 in Wingman AND LFS, AND 0 compensation)

No the patches have nothing to do with the steering settings themself, he is suggesting to upgrade simply to be up to date. PS U20 has no bugs for me.
Quote from Chongl :So make degrees of rotation 900 in BOTH Wingman Profiler and in LFS, then set Compensation to 0?

U22 patch has bugs, not sure I want to update yet. And it mentions nothing about Wheel rotation?


While many people say to do it like this, I still don't prefer doing it this way. Because putting it at 900 degrees only makes it worse if you are using low-rotation cars like the MRT and other race cars.

Because if you are using the MRT and are in 900 degree mode, the WHEEL itself will spin farther than it should in the game. In other words the MRT is 270 (i think?) and if you needed to countersteer to save a slide, having your wheel in 900 degree mode would let it keep spinning, and that would make recovery very troublesome.

The only best option is to match the degrees of rotation in LFS and Windows/Properties, and you will have a true-to-life feel.... since it will match the rotation of the car in the game, and actually stop when going from lock to lock.

If you want to know what degree of rotation the car is, just go into the car setup and look at "Steering". It should say how much steering you need to set in the game and in Windows. Generally there is NO car in LFS that has 900 degrees of steering. The highest is 720 for the road cars, 540 for some of the GTR cars, and it just gets lower for the open wheelers.

This is the only best way to utilize the rotation and have it stop lock to lock. Otherwise having it freely spin more than it should while in 900 degree mode, that is really not needed.... unless you are lazy and don't want to take 30 secs to change the rotation in Windows and in LFS
Just tried those settings...still 900* lock to lock
Yes the wheel will carry on turning but your wheel matches the wheel on the screen, correct?
Just take the XR Turbo out.

Set LFS to 720 degrees. Set Windows/Properties to 720 degrees. And it is matched for the XRT and other road cars :up:

Repeat for any other car with different degrees.
The problem with this, is was Tweaker was saying. The wheel itself does not "stop" once you have reached full lock in the game. But the wheel turn is accurate?
Quote from Tweaker :Just take the XR Turbo out.

Set LFS to 720 degrees. Set Windows/Properties to 720 degrees. And it is matched for the XRT and other road cars :up:

Repeat for any other car with different degrees.

But Scawen created the Wheel Turn tab to avoid the need to do this. Is it really that difficult to live with the lack of "stopper" once you have reached full lock?
actually it makes every car 900* in my case... ??
Ah, before you try out Tweakers idea, use the following settings:

Wingman profiler: 900

Wheel Turn: 900
Wheel Turn Compensation: 0.01 (or just above zero)

This must be a bug, because it should at zero, ah well try it out and tell me what happens.
Quote from DaveWS :Ah, before you try out Tweakers idea, use the following settings:

Wingman profiler: 900

Wheel Turn: 900
Wheel Turn Compensation: 0.01 (or just above zero)

This must be a bug, because it should at zero, ah well try it out and tell me what happens.

works great now!

Thanks...I dont mind the fact that it will turn more than its supposed to, I just wanted the turns to match the cars!
Quote from DaveWS :But Scawen created the Wheel Turn tab to avoid the need to do this. Is it really that difficult to live with the lack of "stopper" once you have reached full lock?

Scawen put the Wheel Turn option in there so you can match it properly, and specifically in the steering part of the setup, so you can use that as reference. This option doesn't change the Windows rotation setting unfortuneately, only the LFS setting.

But yes, it is very difficult to live with the lack of stopper. If you slide out and need to catch a slide, having it rotate more than necessary is not a good idea. Maybe you don't push it hard enough, or drift sometimes, it is the only way to go if you want to be 100% dialed in with the car.

If you want the wheel to "stop", use Tweakers method, but you obviously have to change your settings in the wingman profiler every single time you change between cars with different steering locks.

My method means you don't have to adjust anything from now on.
actually the best settings are
driver - 720
lfs rotation -720
lfs compensation - 1
lol.. trust me, the updates have virtually no bugs; and the times bugs are found, there are usually extremely quickly fixed once confirmed
the ones in my link should work.

maybe dfp settings should be the same as g25.