RC, Any one into it?
(125 posts, started )
Fair enough. I don't think they keep many bodys around, just kits.

Ya a proper RC is a big step up from a £30 Argos thing. A silver can motor (stock motor) tops out around 20mph when paired with a semi decent battery.

Don't underestimate the strength of Tamiya plastics, once upon a time a mate of mine had a TL01 with a high power brushless sytem in it, and he used to do silly stuff like ram it up sloped curbs, jump from path to road, bounce off curbs by mistake etc, all that ever went wrong was the shock shafts bent, and after a particually bad jump a few ft in the air the chassis cracked. Bit of ground up nylon and some CA glue and it was good as new though.
Yeah, it would appear that after mucho searching that the only place I can find said body is on eBay, which sucks, as I hate using eBay.

Right, which means if I ran it full bore down the streets at home I'd be on the edge of the speed limit (20 where I live).

Well I was planning a buy when I have the cash for a part or if one breaks, which ever happens sooner, and bit by bit replace the stock gear.
Nothing wrong with Ebay if your careful. I get quite a bit of RC stuff from there (actually sometimes I buy cars to break them up/sell, good bit of profit to make if you play it right).

At 20mph you shouldn't be breaking too much mate, unless you make a habbit of going full throttle into curbs all the time.
I'm not so bothered when it's buy now, but it's the bidding and waiting, just because I don't know if it's mine until it ends. Though I guess it's my only option, I might have to.

Great to know, as breaking things is my biggest worry. Though I'll find humor in the fact I could get a speeding ticket if R/C's counted as road cars (I'm a big kid).

Anywho. I think I have my kit planned out, now to order it.

Quote :Tamiya 58335 Ford Escort Cosworth Deal £99
Carson TT01 Upgrade £39.99
Go Large £30
Extra 3000 Battery £15
86001 Ps-1 White Spray £3.99
86002 Ps-2 Red Spray £3.99
86005 Ps-5 Black Spray £3.99
87030 Tamiya Masking Tape 6mm £3.50
201000016 Ansmann Curved Scissors. £2.75
tamiyaparts.co.uk sticker £FREE

Weee I would have skipped on the tape, but I have none, and for what I'm going to need it for, it'd be easier to use thin tape. But that is everything I need to get it going, radio gear, charger, power packs.
Heh one thing I've always wanted to do is get a speed camera to flash an RC. They're not quite big enough though, maybe one with a peice of carbboard securely sticktaped to it

Just had a look over at the combo package etc on tamiyaparts, looks like it'll get you started pretty good, the chargers a peaking one which is very important. The batteries will be okay to start with - no need for high quality ones with a stock motor.

You may wish to invest in a small roll of servo tape, otherwise known as double sized sticky tape with a foam center, used for holding electronics down. The kit will come with a tiny peice, but its not really enough espically if you have to move bits about once or twice.
I guess there is the laser speed trap, or just the very simple, hop in a car and drive along side it option.

I have no idea what that means, but it must be good. Though I do believe I've ended up ordering 3 batteries o_O Oh well, always have one pack ready to go I guess.

Knew I'd have forgot something, just chucked that on the end of the order, 2-3 days for it to get to my house. Then how ever many days it takes for my parents to bring it to me, which would probably be the weekend. Bother.
A peaking charger means it knows when the battery is 100% fully charged because it monitors the battery voltage for a slight drop that happens when its done. This method is known as delta peaking. A problem you might encounter the first few charges is the battery false-peaking, this is where the charger thinks the batteries done and cuts the charge off, just resume if it it happens, unless the batteries warm in which case its done.
Ah, I can see what that'd be handy then. I think I might try and find an accuate to scale side pannel of the car, so I can start planning the masks for when I spray it. imho it'll look smexy =D

I have to wait a minimum a week to get it though. This is going to be hell.
Aye the waiting is the worst bit, waiting for the G25 is killing me.

I'm on the verge of ordering one of these.. http://forums.radiocontrolzone.com/showthread.php?t=212829

Can't decide if I can justify adding another car to my collection or not though..total cost inc some decent 8 cell batteries and another brushless setup will run over £150..not sure if I can justify that sorta expense at the sec.
Aye, I only really chose to get an R/C to burn into some of my free time, and I have to wait to get it. Seems ironic.

That's a lot of cash. But I have already started to ponder cancelling my order for the G25 and just shovel cash into R/C's. But I really want the G25 and at the same time, more R/C stuff.
Patience. Not like its going anywhere RC is good fun though, espically when you get a few cars together and have a mess around or race. You can make a track out of just about anything in a carpark or on an unused road. Racing down a club is good fun as well, but I get the impression thats not what your after. Personally I'm more a fan of off-road, so normally when me and a couple of mates are messing around its a case of whose truck breaks first

The car you brought is pretty versatile, I've seen them used for rally before with a few mods. A guy used to bring his down the BMX track, and if he was careful, it'd clear a double jump and land without any incident. Grips decent with some rally block tyres. Good for drifting as well if thats your thing, I used to make "tyres" out of ABS piping from Wicks, on a smooth patch of decent tarmac you can pull off some impressive stuff. HPI & Kyosho sell tyres for it as well.
Haha, well currently I only do 6 hours a week lectures/classes at uni, which gives me a hell of a lot of free time. I've exhausted everything I have to keep my busy to a point my desk is now littered with paper models. I even started mapping out a model for the FXO, which is when I knew I needed to find something to keep me busy + combines outdoors.
I was mulling the idea of a club, but a quick search on Race Chat shows that in this area I'm very much limited to what racing takes place, and back home there is nothing. But for now I'm just using it as something to burn a hole in my time window and have a little fun and as we have about a mile of private road and many car park areas littered down this road (which is also rarely used), it gives me plently of space to make tracks with

I was toying the idea of getting a set of Hummer1 wheels (nice sexy black), the tyres from the Touareg, which look damn sexy mixed, then get the body for a stadium truck (Like the Tamiya Ford F-150, or the Chevy S-10), jack up the body and turn it into a truck for offroading. Though finding the wheels and tyres is proving harder than I expected. Then change it back to the Escort for road/grave/indoors racing.

I used to drift with my old RTR, which I made my own slicks for (I think you can see it on page one), worked rather well in Low gear, as it had buckets of torque so I just gave it full power around corners. Was awesomefun.
I've a couple of TT-01s I used to drift, and a selection of mutant M-chassis currently in various configurations, (FWD/RWD/AWD) I love to tinker with them and see what elseI can do to them. I like the idea of the offroad tyres, try locking the diffs as well. ths biggest stumbling block for off road conversions on TT01s are the limited travel of the suspension arms, though some people have cut away at the chassis to get more flex.
ive always liked rc machines but never got into it is it an expensive hobby to take up ??
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :ive always liked rc machines but never got into it is it an expensive hobby to take up ??

Didn't you see my post. XD
sorry m8
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :ive always liked rc machines but never got into it is it an expensive hobby to take up ??

Its only as expensive as you want it to be. If you want to go Pro and world championships, and nationals, then yes, expect to pay a penny or to, but also, by then you should be sponsored, so you should get alot of stuff free, or heavyly discounted.

But to by a RC car, and then race for fun at your local, is just such fun, and cheap, as you can pick up loads of 2nd parts, i am currently trying to talk the wife into letting me get my daughter involved. She loves anything to do with racing ( daddies Girl )
kk,kool looks real fun !!
has anyone taken the next step, taking it into the air?
my dad has a garage (built for spraying cars in) full of planes and helicopters.
Yeah i was serious into it, even worked at a hobby store so i ran all the remote control and awesome hobby equipment, this funded my RC addiction, but near the end of school i didnt have time so i stopped and i havent gotten back into it....all my cars just sitting, quite sad!
Captaion Slow, my Savage spends a lot of time in the air, does that count?

Seriously thought I've wanted to get a heli for ages. But always put it off because a) i always figure the wind will knock it into a tree and i'll have a £50 repair bill, and b) I wouldn't have a clue which one to buy.
I was toying over getting a small £100-200 heli, just because of the fun that could be had by flying it out of my window, and then in the window of the room next to me and scare the shit out of the people in it. Plus the general lark about factor, but I figured I'm best keeping my feet on the ground as I've not flown a heli, so I'd probably cock up and crash, and three stories up, that's a big repair bill.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Shotglass :i still have my trusty old grasshopper2

Wow, that takes me back! My Dad used to have a grasshopper and I had a grasshopper 2. We both had 380 motors in ours and my brother got a monster truck with a 540 motor that would zoom past us both. Since then I got a Tamiya TA03R 1/10th electric that I used to race indoors on carpet about 8 - 10 years ago. I still have it, but haven't raced at all in 7 years.... I bet it would be super slow now compared to the current ones It was a bit of a dog even 10 years ago!
Quote from Michael Denham :Wow, that takes me back! My Dad used to have a grasshopper and I had a grasshopper 2. We both had 380 motors in ours and my brother got a monster truck with a 540 motor that would zoom past us both.

ah yea the good old days
back then i had my good old grasshopper with a sport tuned and a friend of mine had a tamiya f102 ... needless to say i couldnt keep up with him
but im sure i would have been able with the yokomo gear we put into the gfrasshopper for funsies once (lrp x motor with ipc and sanyo 2000s)
Quote from thisnameistaken :The thing that scares me about R/C helicopters is the blades.

But it can double up as a shaver, or a lawn mower. =D
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

RC, Any one into it?
(125 posts, started )