The online racing simulator
whats more important?
(17 posts, started )

Poll : Whats more important

having as few cars infront of you.
getting a good lap time
whats more important?
a poll. for my personal learing and understanding.
remember this is in YOUR opinion.
#2 - Lible
Awnsered the second choice, but they may aswell be behind me.
#3 - ORION
nothing of the choices in the poll - having fun and fights is most important
#5 - th84
where's the "have fun" option?
i just think the less cars infront of you the better as you can imporve in times without having the worry of ending up in someone elses rear end!
I don't care if my laptimes are good, I don't care if I am near the front. I only want to have a fun and race with other drivers, fighting for position.
To have them to eat your dust, and not you to eat dust!
the races winner is not the fast lappers, just the racer who passes finish line its definetely "having as few cars infront of you. "
Neither really because I would rather have a fun race with lots of battles against other racers than win the race, more entertaining that way! Although it is nice to win sometimes lol!
^^^^^^^ aggreeeeee

battles are more fun

tyreshot does have a point, the fastest lapper sometimes isnt the 1st position car,

This poll is incomparible, you need to be in first place to win which means no cars in front, but you need to have fast laps to get there,

and o yer..... have fun
Quote from ORION :nothing of the choices in the poll - having fun and fights is most important

My vote.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Ask an IRL racer and they'd say coming first. So not having cars in front of you really (unless they are back markers).

But when it comes to the royal chair force (works so much better with flight sims ), it's all about having fun, and looking sexy as you do it.
#14 - th84
Quote from thisnameistaken :I begrudgingly agree with th84.

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :and looking sexy as you do it.

I got that covered!

Give me a night of crashing with my buddies anyday. Im normally to far-gone to take anythign to serious!
#15 - SamH
I've raced quite a few times recently on the STCC server, and even though my laptimes are consistently 2 or so seconds off the pace (I'm driving the RB4 against an FXO, cut me some slack! :razz, I've come a comfortable 1st thru 3rd in many of those races. Laptimes mean almost nothing when good laptimes are offset against consistent driving.
I don't get it... the poll isn't very well defined: "Good lap time" is "having few cars in front of you". The reasoning behind this is: if you have few cars in front of you, it means you are doing good enough lap times

Anyway, i voted the first, getting a good lap time, because it means you know the track. If you get a good lap time, it is good for the outcome of the race, because, while there may be cars in front of you, they won't be for long
#17 - Goop
this poll makes no sense to me either. I like racing, and the best racing for me is pushing at 10/10ths chasing (or being chased)... usually, this results in good lap times (good for me, anyhow).

I don't get it either Didn't you get enough 'personal learning and understanding' from the last poll?

whats more important?
(17 posts, started )