The online racing simulator
Dutch : Translating track names
(49 posts, started )
Hmm.. I'm trying U22 for the first time now. One small thing;

Please don't translate the track names. For instance Aston North is now Aston Noord... in Dutch.
Quote from Darkone55 :Please don't translate the track names. For instance Aston North is now Aston Noord... in Dutch.

Wooaahh, sorry, but having read that: no way I'm gonna try that patch, LOL!

Aston Noord... that's like translating Beethoven into Biteheaven illepall

Edit: ()
My goodness. Just go into the corresponding language.txt and change it back if it bothers you that much.

(Sorry for OT)
So for the Canadian translation It would be "Aston North 'eh"... :P

I agree though, track layouts shouldn't be translated unless they are going into a different char set, such as Japanese or Russian.
Quote from AndroidXP :My goodness. Just go into the corresponding language.txt and change it back if it bothers you that much.

(Sorry for OT)

Hehe, sorry for no obvious sign of irony/sarcasm in that post Wasn't meant to sound that bad

Although I do think it's wrong For example, imagine translating the name Silverstone into Austrian (Silberstein? :P)

I haven't tried the patch yet but as it looks from the replies above, I won't until the unlocking issue is solved.
Quote from traxxion :Hehe, sorry for no obvious sign of irony/sarcasm in that post Wasn't meant to sound that bad

Although I do think it's wrong For example, imagine translating the name Silverstone into Austrian (Silberstein? :P)

I haven't tried the patch yet but as it looks from the replies above, I won't until the unlocking issue is solved.

Yeah, but whilst Silverstone is a name, Aston North can be considered as not. Can you imagine saying "North-America" in english instead of in your own language, when u talk to a Dutch person
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Yeah, but whilst Silverstone is a name, Aston North can be considered as not. Can you imagine saying "North-America" in english instead of in your own language, when u talk to a Dutch person

How can you compare a track name (which it is..?) with the name of a continent?
Quote from traxxion :How can you compare a track name (which it is..?) with the name of a continent?

well... one can also say that "Aston Club" is not a name but the Aston club configuration. It could well be name shortly like that for simplification purposes... Thus, it only seems like a name. There is the grand prix config, the north config, grand touring config, national config etc. It does not necessarily mean it's a name. Instead of calling a config "The Aston circuit configuration for club races" it is simply called "Aston Club"...

Besides, translating names also works differently in different countries. In Latvia they translate "New York"
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Besides, translating names also works differently in different countries.

Let's take that as a final conclusion then In Holland we don't tend to translate foreign terms as much, and therefore Aston Noord sounds really really cheap.
#10 - Vain
Surely you'd translate Aston North! You all talk about the Nürcastlering, don't you? With the famouth Northloop. Or the Hockenhomering? Never heard about it?

Quote from Vain :Surely you'd translate Aston North! You all talk about the Nürcastlering, don't you? With the famouth Northloop. Or the Hockenhomering? Never heard about it?


If I'm talking about Nurburgring, or Hockenheimring, I call them like that, just like they are called in German... And I call Silverstone Silverstone, and not "Zilversteen". :/
But would you say "Nürburgring Kurzanbindung" if you want to tell an english speaking person that they are using the short track config of the Nürburgring?
Quote from Darkone55 :Hmm.. I'm trying U22 for the first time now. One small thing;

Please don't translate the track names. For instance Aston North is now Aston Noord... in Dutch.

Yeah and THAT is just one of the reasons i mostly prefer english in games, it's just because that the dutch translators TRANSLATE too much , if you know what i mean. *starts lfs and changes to dutch language* Well in options are also some mistakes @ Controls(Toetsen): Toetsen supose to be Besturing. Centrale redutie gaspendaal / rem; that supose to be: Centrale reductie gaspendaal / rem. @Player(Speler) : Nummerplaat; Supose to be Nummerbord. Positie rijder supose to be Bestuurders Positie. (lol i think rijder isn't even a dutch word but it doesn't matter :tilt Remhulp supose to be Remassistentie @Snelheidaanduiding @Mph (Miles Per Hour); it supose to be MP/U(Mijlen per uur) But you can leave it to at MPH and KMH if you want. @Misc(Overige): Teken wagen in multiplayer; supose to be: Auto weergave afstand in Multiplayer. @Scherm; it supose to be Beeld.
@Spel: AI Rijder ; it supose to be AI Bestuurder.

@Traxxion: (Srry people don't know how to say this in english)
Je vertaal het allemaal een beetje letterlijk, je zou het figuurlijk moeten vertalen zodat het past zeg maar.
Er zijn nog wel meer dingen die te letterlijk zijn vertaalt, maar ik hoop dat je die zelf verbetert,
anders kan ik netzo goed de nederlandse vertaling van LFS doen lol
Quote from traxxion :Let's take that as a final conclusion then In Holland we don't tend to translate foreign terms as much, and therefore Aston Noord sounds really really cheap.

Same goes for the rest of the Netherlands
Quote from R1K89 :@Traxxion: (Srry people don't know how to say this in english)
Je vertaal het allemaal letterlijk, je zou het figuurlijk moeten vertalen zodat het past zeg maar.

"You say it literally, but you should say it figurative, so that it fits."?
Quote from riffey4 :Same goes for the rest of the Netherlands

LOL idd i live in Drenthe

Quote from zeugnimod :"You say it literally, but you should say it figurative, so that it fits."?

LOL Seriously, thats correct kinda Where did you learned that ? Are the Germans FINALLY learning Dutch instead of talking German to Dutch people ?
Well, I live about 5 kilometres from the Dutch border.

Couldnt choose, where to live yet, unfortunately.

Quote from zeugnimod :Well, I live about 5 kilometres from the Dutch border.

Couldnt choose, where to live yet, unfortunately.


You got the autobahn...

But we got everything else!

No, that's not true.
If i was dutch i would sit my girl friend next to me and she could say it all to me (she is dutch! ) but im not so
Quote from jamesrowe :If i was dutch i would sit my girl friend next to me and she could say it all to me (she is dutch! ) but im not so

Well.. i can teach you Dutch if you like to , contact me via p.m.
Quote from R1K89 :@Traxxion: (Srry people don't know how to say this in english)
Je vertaal het allemaal een beetje letterlijk, je zou het figuurlijk moeten vertalen zodat het past zeg maar.
Er zijn nog wel meer dingen die te letterlijk zijn vertaalt, maar ik hoop dat je die zelf verbetert,
anders kan ik netzo goed de nederlandse vertaling van LFS doen lol

Voor de duidelijkheid: ik heb die in-game vertalingen niet gedaan, anders had het ook geen Aston Noord geweest hè

Quote from R1K89 :Well.. i can teach you Dutch if you like to , contact me via p.m.

He just said his gf is Dutch, dont you think she can do that?
Quote from traxxion :Voor de duidelijkheid: ik heb die in-game vertalingen niet gedaan, anders had het ook geen Aston Noord geweest hè

He just said his gf is Dutch, dont you think she can do that?

Well she's probally TO LAZY FOR IT or els he would speak/understand dutch now
I'm working on a dutch translation (an edited one from the original)
There could be some bugs in it, i have not looked true whole words list yet.

Place it in: LFS\data\language\

Pleas tell me if there are bugs in it, thank you
Attached files
[email protected] - 47.3 KB - 366 views
well she is slowly teaching me ;p i cant write it to save my life, can speak in speach abit tho been with my gf for 9months now :lovies3d:

But i got enough on my plate tho mate thanks for offer, she is teaching me slowly tho, i go to holland alot!
Quote from jamesrowe :well she is slowly teaching me ;p i cant write it to save my life, can speak in speach abit tho been with my gf for 9months now :lovies3d:

But i got enough on my plate tho mate thanks for offer, she is teaching me slowly tho, i go to holland alot!

Okay thats good
Maybe you should download my dutch language above ^ (i know spam srry)
It will help you to learn dutch faster

Dutch : Translating track names
(49 posts, started )