unfair points
(9 posts, started )
unfair points
Recently there are too many people that don't want to race. They just want to crash in others on the first corner or when they are doubled. If there are 20 racers on the track then it is very hard to kick or ban. Voting takes too much time or people don't want to vote if they didn't see what has heppend. It's not fun to race for 10+ laps and be nocked out by an idiot.
My idea is to have possibility of giving "unfair points" during the race or after the race. Just the same way as kicking or banning. If there are more then one or two racers who want to assign an unfair point for somebody than that point is assigned. Later, if someone has a lot of unfair point it should be easier to ban or kick him out of the server (i.e. 1/4 or 1/5 of racers).
Other possibility is an automatic unfair points assigner. Server would count polling started against somebody, how many people voted and how often it's heppend.
One unfair point would disappear after for example 10 races without voting.

p.s. sorry for my bad english.
its a good idea but what about somebody who had slow or overloaded connection in some moments? sometimes somebody hit you or you hit somebody because you or he dont see other car...

and sorry for my english too
Quote from Gabelhirsch :its a good idea but what about somebody who had slow or overloaded connection in some moments? sometimes somebody hit you or you hit somebody because you or he dont see other car...

and sorry for my english too

Usually it is quite easy to differ accidents from intentional wreckings (except thyt only happens once a race.. but then again, it is not that a nuisance)

So I say yay to this.
well, normaly nobody votes to kick or ban after first accident, because everybody think that it was a mistake. The same would be with "unfair points".
Quote from ColeusRattus :Usually it is quite easy to differ accidents from intentional wreckings (except thyt only happens once a race.. but then again, it is not that a nuisance)

So I say yay to this.

i agree too. i am only say, that is not easy as somebody is thiking. i love lfs
#6 - bbman
If I understood you correctly, you suggest a complaining system against someone that hit you and if he gets enough complaints, he will get kicked or something?
No, you didn't understand. I want a system which make it easier to kick someone against who there is a lot of voting all the time. It should be a system that ONE person can't give someone an unfair point. If 30% or more people during one session want to kick someone or 30% of them want to give an unfair point then that point is assigned. Next time if we want to kick someone who has several such points, we'd need only i.e 20-30% votes of all racers. There wouldn't be any notification that someone has unfiar points, before voting. If someone'd started to think and to drive normal way (and no crash for fun) he wouldn't be marked in any way. But there wouldn't be also any "lol" text's when voting was cancelled again.
The problem I see most of the time is that:
1) many computers can't handle so many cars on the screen at once and therefore get "frame lag" meaning that they are still connected to the server and have good ping, but their framerate goes down so much that they get lag.

2)Many people don't understand downforce and it's affects on braking in particular. When there is a hug pack of cars all going into a corner at the same relative time, the people at the back have to break earlier because they have less downforce and therefore less grip. What I usually see is someone drafting off another car and then they both brake normally and the person behind locks up their wheels and slides into the person in front or tries to swerve to avoid a collision and slides into some else. So then you restart and someone either makes the same mistake or someone else makes the mistake and everyone is screwed again.

The problem I have with this is that often the first 4 or 5 cars make it out unscathed and therefore refuse to restart, which is horribly selfish. I always vote to restart even if I end up way ahead in first because of a huge wreck, as long as enough people want a restart. I'm totally for smaller voting percentages, because we'll often get more than half the vote but we need 3/4 or something and it never passes.

In short, I think the voting should be changed, but much thought should be put into how to do it fairly.
2) once i made that mistake and not any more. It's quite "normal" crash, I'm used to it and I don't vote to kick after such normal human mistake.
Unfair points are for unfair behaviour. I was a demo racer for a long time and I saw a lot of people making fun from crashing. I can see the same in S2, but here people has nicks that they can't change. We can use it to teach them a fair play racing.
Fair play is very easy to recognize. The same with unfair.
I'm affraid that fair play is mainly on private servers and public ones starting sometimes to look like the demo servers. I just want to race and not fight on the track.

unfair points
(9 posts, started )