The online racing simulator
Nothing more to say Fischfix. They don´t know and they will never know. See the posts from Thisnameistaken and TC? This says all. Never lift, aso. How can you get a 30.XX laptime while drafting without lifting? Just ROFL about that much *§$&! (Stupid Morons?!)

Edit: Now I begin to understand why the guys in the good old RSC Forum were so happy when the LFS-Community left there sites...

(Watch the replay and learn about lifting)
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30^c72 3men.mpr - 684.4 KB - 201 views
Quote from Crazy Harry :Just ROFL about that much *§$&! (Stupid Morons?!)

and here we go again
are you like that irl too or do you actually restrain yourself around real people ... like the kind with whom youd be in for a pounding if you kept insulting them like this ?
I really wish everyone would stop having a go at each other.
Is this what the LFS community is like? Going off insulting everyone when you can't get your way. Maybe oval racing is easy, maybe it's hard. EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION! Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you have to fight till the other person caves. They won't cave, because they have that opinion. You have your opinion.
Don't have a go at erach other because of split opinions.

Quote from thisnameistaken :"Have to wait for Sam to set up LFSLapper so it can shout "YOU ARE A STUPID MORON" at us every two seconds, like on a real oval server."

@Shotglass: Sorry, maybe looks like insult you, but... please use your brain before you flame.
"ROFL" about that sentence below. What´s your prob??? illepall
Lifting off is definately neccessary to draft properly but it IS a sign something went wrong earlier. It is something most new drafters don't understand. They are so obsessed with not losing the draft that they keep hanging on nomatter how close they are to the car before them. Good drafting however involves more insight then just that. Ideal situation is that you are far enough to pick up a lot of speed and ofcourse close enough not to lose the draft.
S2 has had a lot of effect on drafting. A clumsely executed draft will end up being slower then a good hotlap. Usually when this happens an experienced drafter will fall back a bit to pick up more speed. He then overtakes faster and forces the other car to keep some distance. And then you hope the newbee gets the message. But people tend to think that when they pick up some speed because of the draft they are allready going faster then a normal hotlapper. The truth is that because you can't drive the ideal line when you're drafting, that advantage is lost. What follows is a situation where the cars end up driving side by side going even slower and because of the 'not lifting off' attitude they stay side by side and get cought by the pack. All it takes is one of them to lift off and get a good distance from the leading car. Make a good quick pass and immediately the two cars are back on speed. Sure the laptime will not be a record braker but you are ready to make the next lap a good one.
So in general, lifting off is common practice. How much you have to lift depends on how big the screwup was.

But for fast drafting modulation of the throttle happens allmost constantly if ever so slightly (unless you're in front of course). You want to position your car so you can benefit the most from the draft but still pass soon enough to allow the next pass. Rithm is the most important thing. When you make all the passes and at the right spot on the track you atleast avoid being actually slower then hotlappers. One missed pass and all drafting was for nothing. Since you cant go beyond full throttle, the only way to have any controll over distance and speed is lifting, meaning that most drivers will secure the draft first and then, when needed, modulate throttle and steering to get into position.

So full throttle laps are actually a hotlap thing.
If everyone put so much effort into being nice the world would be a lovely place.
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