I would recommend using a base colour for simple skins, like blue, yellow, red, white, black is one of them but you can do alot with green also. Green and white go together as do blue and orange. Try it out.
take it easy dudes i know what colorcombinations i like..
thanx for the input though, but these are just 2 of a 100 (or so? :razz skins i've made! and i've used alot of black, and needed something else.. so i started the mexico skin based on this: Escort Mk1 Mexico - scroll down the page to view the car!
here's a little funpic.. looks brutal doesn't it? =P
Very good. By the way, for taking screenshots that you are gonna photoshop and then show to everyone on the web, try turning on Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering in your graphics card's options Will get rid of all those jaggies and make your pics really good.
If your PC is old, just be sure to turn it off before you game, else LFS will be like a slideshow.