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Top gear episodes/English Help :D
(14 posts, started )
#1 - _rod_
Top gear episodes/English Help :D
Well the tittle says it all basicly, 2 things that i need help with. THe first one is quite simple, what is the lastest season and episode of TG? I tried find out, but i came up with a few different anwsers.
Secondly is helping me with english, im doing a big exam in a about a month or so, and i think i make too many grammar/spelling mistakes. So if its not to ask to much i would like you guys to correct me when im wrong, either pm or the thread i posted, since i dont post much around i´ll try to post more, no spam, i´ll try my best not to spam
Im asking this here, as this is my last resorce, i tried an english school, but since i dont have a never took any english classes, they wont accept me as a experienced english level, although i lived in the US for 1 year, so i would have to start from the begining, wich wont help me, since i have the exam in about a month..

Thanks to all you guys

Quote from _rod_ :i tried a english school

Okay, I guess I will correct you then. First off, whenever the word after "a" begins with a vowel, then you use "an".

Examples: an english school; an apple; a car; a dog; an airplane;
#3 - Don
latest episode of topgear is 08x08 (8th series 8th episode)
Quote from _rod_ :Well the tittle says it all basicly, 2 things that i need help with. THe first one is quite simple, what is the lastest season and episode of TG? I tried find out, but i came up with a few different anwsers.
Secondly is helping me with english, im doing a big exam in a about a month or so, and i think i make too many grammar/spelling mistakes. So if its not to ask to much i would like you guys to correct me when im wrong, either pm or the thread i posted, since i dont post much around i´ll try to post more, no spam, i´ll try my best not to spam
Im asking this here, as this is my last resorce, i tried an english school, but since i dont have a never took any english classes, they wont accept me as a experienced english level, although i lived in the US for 1 year, so i would have to start from the begining, wich wont help me, since i have the exam in about a month..

Thanks to all you guys


How's this:

Well the tittle says it all basically. I have two things that i need help with. The first one is quite simple, what is the latest season and episode of TG? I tried to find out, but i came up with a few different answers.

Second is I need help with my english. I'm taking a big exam in a about a month or so, and I think I make too many grammar/spelling mistakes. So if it is not to much to ask, I would like you guys to correct me when I'm wrong. You may either pm me or correct me in the thread I post in. Since I don't post often I'll try to post more. No, I won't spam. I'll try my best not to spam.

I'm asking this here, as this is my last resource. I tried an english school, but since I have never taken any english classes, they won't accept me at an experienced english level, although I lived in the US for one year. So I would have to start from the beginning, which won't help me since I have the exam in about a month..

When you make a contraction, such as "I am" to "I'm" or "will not' to "won't", you use an apostrophe (').. It is better though, to not use contractions. Just use "I am", "is not", "was not", etc. If you are writing or typing out text, it is proper to write the word for numbers through 20. For example, you write/type "two, ten, fifteen" but it is OK to write/type "20, 24, 36".

Many of your sentences can be split up instead of run together using commas (,). For example, "Secondly is helping me with english, im doing a big exam in a about a month or so, and i think i make too many grammar/spelling mistakes." would be split into two sentences written as "Second is I need help with my english. I'm taking a big exam in a about a month or so, and I think I make too many grammar/spelling mistakes."

The pronoun "I" is always capitalized.

Also, when you type a long message with multiple paragraphs, it is easier to read if you put spaces between the paragraphs.

I'm not perfect with grammar, so it is quite possible I have made some mistakes there. Someone else on the grammar patrol can correct me if I am wrong as well, hehe.

Hope that helps you out some. I can't, er, can not help out with the Top Gear episode. But it was already answered by Don.
#5 - bbman
Isn't it "title", not "tittle"? And I learnt "can't" is an abbreviation of one word: cannot... Although I might have misunderstood that back in the days...

And yes, Don is right about the last TG-episode...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#6 - bbman
So it's both right?
#7 - th84
Rod, get with me on msn, I will help you out.
#8 - nikka
Quote from th84 :Rod, get with me on msn, I will help you out.

omg, YOU are gonna help rod to learn english? lol illepall

While you're at it, maybe you should teach Rossi how to drive a motorcycle.
Quote from nikka :
While you're at it, maybe you should teach Rossi how to drive a motorcycle.

And give Rod a wheel too...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
@thisnameistaken: :ices_rofl
#11 - th84
Quote from nikka :omg, YOU are gonna help rod to learn english? lol illepall

While you're at it, maybe you should teach Rossi how to drive a motorcycle.

What are you trying to say? .l.

Just because im not the best at typing... that only mean's im not as big of a geek as you are.

I prolly could teach him a thing or two.....
Its amazing how you [noobs] can make a topic go off topic so quickly!!!. You guys should be banned from LFS!!! Specially with that name.

Th, what i want is a correction to my post, to my writing, it isn´t something that i can ask you quickly on the msn. I need to know how is the structure of my texts, spelling and stuff like that. Unless you want me to write you some essays I dont think you can help me much from the msn.
Quote from _rod_ :I need to know how is the structure of my texts, spelling and stuff like that. Unless you want me to write you some essays I dont think you can help me much from the msn.

This sentence doesn't quite work, you have a subject, but not a predicate.

The simplest way to fix it would be to say, "I need to know how the structure of my text is." However, it would be written better as, "I would like to know how to improve the structuring of my text," or "I need to know if my text is structured properly."

This is actually a fairly complicated sentence, so you're certianly excused from any grammar errors in it.
Quote from 96 GTS :This is actually a fairly complicated sentence, [...]

This just might be the problem... Try to keep your sentences simple and short and you will be less likely to make mistakes...

[Disclaimer: The sentences I wrote may contain mistakes, so better not take me as an example... ]

Top gear episodes/English Help :D
(14 posts, started )