The online racing simulator
game on for me too
Is zeugnimod not in this one !! it wont be the same!!
Lol, no, it wont be the same. Nobody to laugh at, when lapping for the 10th time.

But no, sorry, I wont enter this one. But I will be better than ever one week later in the CRC Challenge Cup and aim for the 2nd last position!
Franky i hope that you have seen that i signed up.
Although it was a super late sign up.
Didnt really know of it until last minute. Dont really keep up
to date with LFS forum.
So many forums i cant even count.

GTR Forum
Local Car club forums
Online racing forums
soooo many shortcuts LOL

anyways now that i am finished my beer for the night loking forward to the race today
You will also need to unconfirm my application that i sent via that weblink , I have been called up as stand-in for a STCC Team , which I am very happy and excited about.

Its unfortunate they are at same times / days , I would have really loved to race in this one.

#56 - Vain
Calum: This race is today, STCC is tomorrow.

When is 18:25BST exactly in GMT? Or is it literally the same meaning as GMT?
You should be on BST now Dave, counting you put your clocks forward one hour back in march.
BST is one hour ahead of GMT.
Sorry, got some friends over so no time to race... Shame really, would have loved to race on bl1r once. Hope you pick this combo again, another time.

Sorry again, have a good race.
#62 - Vain
Sorry for that nudge in lap 2 Gentlefoot.

Quote from Vain :Sorry for that nudge in lap 2 Gentlefoot.


Why did you give up so easily?
where was everybody tonight? extremely dissapointed that only 14 turned up

Other than that. I enjoyed parts of my race. Other parts were lonely. Had a couple of small battles but nothing interesting.

WOULD LOVE to go back to AS Club XFR so i have a chance at kicking arse hopefully
#65 - Vain
58 laps of hotlapping on my own versus going for a walk and reading a book. My decision was made.

I am tired, probably need to sleep for a few days after that. I couldn't relax for 1 second in that race, so many curbs to flip on and cars sniffing around my bumper.

Its great to win this one though, blackwood is my least favourite track in the XFR and last GP i got a DNF. I would say its a shame luis flipped and got a stop go...but to be honest i was happy, cause it was so hard with him behind me. Anytime i wanted to cool my tyres and knock the pace down, he got right up behind me. The End gave me a scare coming out of the pits only 4 seconds behind, so i pushed again until i was comfortable to slow down and cool off my tyres.
sorry for the ass rubbing THE_END... wasn't my intention to pass that corner (would be stupid), but to exit as close to you as possible. Missdjudged your out speed because i was ready to go full throttle right there...

and stoney, shit, i really thought i had the inside covered... sorry. If you tried to make your normal line its because i wasn't so inside as i thought i was. Sorry man

the race was ok while i had company (till i spunned them off...) then it was lonelly

i did loved the overtake i did on ATC_GAG on T3 from the inside in the first laps, and my R3 tyre stest lap also, that was only a 0.02s slower than my qualy R2 tyre fastest lap (???... it means missing practice perhaps)

FE Green rev was still my favourite race till today, really good.
yeah, i didn't turn up because i had other commitments and i din't realise that the two clashed. but i had fun practicing for this race and getting the setup sorted. i hope you all had fun, and maybe next time i will get a chance to race you all

ATC Dadge
Quote from spyshagg :
and stoney, shit, i really thought i had the inside covered... sorry. If you tried to make your normal line its because i wasn't so inside as i thought i was. Sorry man

Listen no worries, its just a shame cos I never expected to be in 4th place catching 3rd for any time at all, let alone quite a few laps. Just a little patience perhaps.. both of us.
Quote from mkinnov8 :Listen no worries, its just a shame cos I never expected to be in 4th place catching 3rd for any time at all, let alone quite a few laps. Just a little patience perhaps.. both of us.

*nods head in agreement*

If you get a couple of endurance races in, you'll get the experience of patience .
yeah 5 lap racing syndrome

i did have great fun racing ATC-gAg (the only fight that lasted a bit)
seeing the replay i dont know how i keeped up with him, because in corner exits he was ~5km/h faster than me.

and how about Luis and quicksilver race lol, crazy first half
I enjoyed catching up to them and keeping at the same pace, made me realise I may go for a win here.

Unfortunately a few little mistakes may have cost me a reasonable battle with quicksilver, but netherless. 2nd was satisfactory for me.

Hope to see you guys on the next combo.
We had some close calls too, I dont know how we didnt make contact when you were lapping me.. The best was when I missed the chicane and was inches away from wiping out QS, the race leader at the time..!
Quote from mkinnov8 :We had some close calls too, I dont know how we didnt make contact when you were lapping me.. The best was when I missed the chicane and was inches away from wiping out QS, the race leader at the time..!

I almost died of a heart attack when i saw you fly past in my mirror.
It was seriously close then wasnt it! I think i messed myself at that point. Thing was, id pressed Shift+S when i went off throught the barriers.. It didnt kick in..

Only thing I guess in my defence is that:

1) It would have made an awful nice video
2) You would have still won..