So I could no longer stand the way the bottom pivot pedals felt... I have been dealing with it for over 5 years... ever since my first Logitech wheel for GT3. I always wanted to flip them over, and make them top pivoting, like the way 90% of all cars are! So after spending some serious time with a level, ruler, calipers, paper, pen, and my RX8, I came up with my first prototype. I made it out of wood, because, well, that's what I had on hand. I will end up making it out of steel, to match the rest of my custom made driving setup... but that is a while in the future. And for now, I needed to try.
I started the mod at 1am... I just couldn't sleep. Taking the G25 pedals apart is easy, execpt for the pedals surfaces, those I had to use a cutting wheel and make notches to unscrew with a flat head screw driver.
After all was said and done, I have a working prototype. It works better than before... much better! I can now do a proper heel toe downshift
I'll post more, and better, pictures once I have my one made of metal.
I started the mod at 1am... I just couldn't sleep. Taking the G25 pedals apart is easy, execpt for the pedals surfaces, those I had to use a cutting wheel and make notches to unscrew with a flat head screw driver.
After all was said and done, I have a working prototype. It works better than before... much better! I can now do a proper heel toe downshift

I'll post more, and better, pictures once I have my one made of metal.