Do I really NEED a g25 (serious question inside....)
Right now I'm using a Logi momo force.
I mainly drive the open wheel cars (fox for the most part) and do autoX as well (with a handful of diff. cars). Right now my wheel turn is set to 455 and wheel turn comp at 0.75 in LFS. I'm not a huge fan of having to saw around with the wheel, I like to flick it around with smaller or shorter turns. I hardly ever get the wheel lock-to-lock. (i hope this is making sense)

I do like the thought of the larger wheel, and the pedals having resistance better than what I have now. I probably won't use the shifter much other than a novelty I would think, but I may like it after I try it out.

bascially is the force feedback and feel of the wheel, along with the pedals worth the price in your opinion?
I think you've already answered your own question!!
Mine hasn't even arrived yet, but from what you have described, I wouldn't bother. Save your money and use it for modding what you have or perhaps upgrade your PC.

Do you NEED a G25? No. Nobody NEEDS a G25. Is it the best wheel on the market bar custom made stuff? Yes it is. The question is, do you WANT the best wheel, or is the one you currently have enough?
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Well I'm trying to look at more than just the 900d rotation

The FF seems better, the wheel is larger, and the pedals have a much better feel from what I understand. I suppose I could mod my current pedals but I'm still left with the smaller wheel with "bad" FF. I would like the shifter too for autoX-ing, that would be much more realistic

My wheel has also been giving me issues (FF racks back and forth even going straight)

Ugh, i'm stuck right in the middle, can't seem to decide either way!
Get one. If you don't like it, sell it on ebay for a profit
Quote from tristancliffe :Get one. If you don't like it, sell it on ebay for a profit

well now there's something I hadn't thought of

Quote from tristancliffe :Get one. If you don't like it, sell it on ebay for a profit

Now I wish I had ordered 2. From the states.
cough cough dfp wanted see below :rally_dri
#9 - Gunn
When I woke up this morning my G25 looked a little larger than before and there were small scraps of plastic and wires lying about the place. Then I realised what had occured. The G25 had eaten my two Momos for breakfast. :munching_
Quote from Gunn :When I woke up this morning my G25 looked a little larger than before and there were small scraps of plastic and wires lying about the place. Then I realised what had occured. The G25 had eaten my two Momos for breakfast. :munching_

Get ECCI pedals for your MOMO instead. Same price as the G25.

MOMO wheels are actually pretty decent, it's the pedals that suck. Do you really need a whole new set of mass-produced junk (G25) when you can buy a set of top of the line pedals for the same price?
I've got the momo too. I was very tempted to buy a G25 and had it been released a year ago I would have spent the money in a flash. I'm having to be careful with my cash now though so I've decided against it.

I don't have any big issues with the FFB of the momo. And I've got a second set of pedals which I am using as a clutch. That and the old squash ball mod and I'm pretty happy with what I've got. An H-shifter and 900 degree rotation would be nice....not £150 nice though.