The online racing simulator
2 Or More OutGauge Apps?
(49 posts, started )
#1 - Jakg
2 Or More OutGauge Apps?
Well, i currently run LFS with Momoleds and PitSpotter - however i have been hearing good words about CSR, so i want to run it. Ah, it's either Momoleds or CSR as LFS doesn't accept more than one outgauge connection, so is their a way round it? i tried LFSC, but it refused to work with CSR!
yes, would be great to have Momoleds together with CSR
wats momoleds?
#4 - Jakg
if you have a Momo wheel it lets you use the lights on it for stuff, ie shift indicators, low fuel etc
This is what I could done in 15 minutes.
I made a quick test with only one outgauge app (csr) and it worked...

start in command line: OutGaugeGateway gatewayPort port1 port2 portX ...

example: you have lfs outgauge set at 30000, csr at 35555, and other app on port 50000 :

OutGaugeGateway.exe 30000 35555 50000

And start it while everything else is already running, otherwise you will get one long exception...
Attached files - 13.8 KB - 1259 views
#6 - Jakg
you are a legend!

What settings should i use for the cfg file for LFS? (ill try to geuss em, but i can't be sure!)

EDIT - "Running it through the command line?" - what? i have an "LFS Script" that runs all the LFS stuff, it's:
@echo off
start LogitechProfiler.lnk /noui
start LFSmomoLeds.exe
start LFSspotter.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999
start OutGaugeGateway.exe /30000 35555 56551

Profiler - For my wheel
Momoleds - Outgauge app on 56551
Spotter - Insim app, set up manually
LFS (insim for Spotter)
Run your program like that - it just crashes - what should i do?
Quote from Jakg :
@echo off
start LogitechProfiler.lnk /noui
start LFSmomoLeds.exe
start LFSspotter.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999
start OutGaugeGateway.exe /30000 35555 56551

Profiler - For my wheel
Momoleds - Outgauge app on 56551
Spotter - Insim app, set up manually
LFS (insim for Spotter)
Run your program like that - it just crashes - what should i do?

There is only momoleds here that uses outgage ? Then you don't need gateway ?

How does it crash ? With a message box ? If you don't have .net 2.0 I can compile it for 1.1... Can you post a print screen of error

And it's without that first slash symbol...
#8 - Jakg
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :There is only momoleds here that uses outgage ? Then you don't need gateway ?

How does it crash ? With a message box ? If you don't have .net 2.0 I can compile it for 1.1... Can you post a print screen of error

And it's without that first slash symbol...

well i treid with or without the slash, the app isn't on their yet as i wanna make sure this works first!

The error is attatched...
Attached images
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#9 - Jakg
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#10 - Jakg
Quote from thisnameistaken :Ah right yeah. Jakg change your avatar you freak, I always think I'm talking to Bob.

i will, i will!
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
#11 - Jakg
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :Tnx. Looks like a missing net 2.0 environment .
Here is again, this time compiled with mono for linux (no worry, it should work on winz too ).

Attached images
Quote from Jakg :

I guess you don't have .net 1.1 either ... Hmm, I thought it comes automatically with WXP SP2 .

Will try to rewrite in C today if I have time...

Did someone else (beside me) succeeded in running it ?
Nope, I get exactly same errors. I have both 1.1 and 2.0.
#14 - Jakg
tbh - im sure i have .Net 2, not sure how to check though!
I specifed already used port and got same error and it writes in console when box is closed :
Unhandled Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each
socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

I think u have specified wrong ports (at least first one (gateway port) is obviously already taken by some app).

Try doing exactly this from command line:
OutGaugeGateway 54321 54322

Do you still get that message box, or do you get:

Gateway started...

in console window

Gateway port must be free (this is the one you specify in LFS outgauge)
- it is listening for OutGauge data from LFS

Notes: Need to make a usage tutorial and better error descriptions when I come home
#16 - Jakg
right - what i have is "30000 35555 56551" which is:
3000 - What LFS sends outgauge to...
35555 - What CSR is recieving OutGauge info from
56551 - What MomoLeds is recieving outgauge from

Ill try it again tonight, but how will OutGauge Gateway know what port to look for the OutGauge info on?
Tutorial on using OutGaugeGateway:

1. Configure LFS to send outgauge packets:

in example I will use port 30000

end of cfg.txt file:

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

Note: Do not use same port for insim, outsim and outgauge !

2. Start LFS

When you start LFS, port 30000 must be still unused. You can see ports, if you type netstat -a -p UDP in command line.

3. Start OutGauge application and set it to use one free port (must not be the same as LFS outgauge port!)

in example I will use CSR at port 35555

You won't hear sound yet...

If you type netstat -a -p UDP in command line, you will see that port 35555 is used. Port 30000 is still free !

4. If more OutGauge applications goto step 3.

5. Start OutGaugeGateway

We have to listen on port 30000 and send packets to port 35555, so:

OutGaugeGateway [COLOR=Red]30000[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]35555[/COLOR]

If more outgauge applications, just add more ports in following arguments...

Soon after you run this, sound will appear in CSR (Well I have to change priority of CSR first, otherwise there is awesome delay ).
#18 - Jakg
still crashes same error as i had at the start
Quote from Jakg :still crashes same error as i had at the start

Hmm, I see you use lot of insim applications too, maybe one of them is using 30000 as listening port. Try changing lfs outgauge port to lets say 41234 ?

then: outgaugegateway 41234 35555
#20 - Jakg
i meant that the app crashes with the error i posted 2nd

(and not alot of InSim, no, although i'll try your method in a min)
Hi all, It seems that my LFS doesn't puts out any OutGauge at all

Could someone tell me why?

#22 - Jakg
is it enabled n the cfg file?

here is a copy of those lines:

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

oh i see it already

Forgot to read the manual:

AFTER starting LFS the port still remains free.

I Accidently solved it. Don't ask me how.

But misteriously it started when i started LFSLapper.
ok, I got this to work - have pitspotter and csr functional, but I get thousands of 'unknown packet' messages, making it currently unusable.

edit: am unable to make it work again, same old 'unexpected error occurred'
using xp sp2, .net 1.1 and 2.0
edit2: made it go again - quite temperamental clearly same unknown packet issues

2 Or More OutGauge Apps?
(49 posts, started )