The online racing simulator
Go with the flow...
(12 posts, started )
Go with the flow...
Yeah a friend of mine was playing this about a month ago, he got such a long "creature" he just had to stop, it was getting to insane and too bizarre. Strange game, but really makes you think if you are bored
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
you try to eat everything; once you get to the larger creatures, you have to get the filled dots chasing or inside them; you dont want them to get orange, cause then they'll come after you and try to eat you up.. i got to the 2nd level (like.. the stage after the guy you start off with; you get a different creature)

and now im kinda bored of it
Wow, I could play this forever - but only because work is so damn slow I'm getting brain damage and we don't have Solitaire on our work PCs. IT punks.
interesting at the beginning but was boring after 2 min
There's actually a finish to the game, the last 'level' is quite hard (let's just say you finally meet your match) but the challenge is refreshing after all that banal swimming around, just eating.

Kind of like a cross between pacman and snake on evolutions lowest rung. Or Spore and some vector game from the late 70's...
do you mean.. level.. or depth?
i think you mean depth

cause after you beat the lowest depth it starts again on a different "level" with a different species
Weird. But I get it now- because the first depth has the credits. That's why I thought it was the end of the game.. 'roll credits'.


Looks like I got to the second level, and then just quit out!

When you can control the attack instead of being a random flyby it's pretty cool.

It's veeery inspired in Spore, but I like it for those boring moments.
The design of the game reminded me of some graphic artist's hp.

..cant remember the ardesse know though.. hm..
played this game some months ago.
finished both levels a few times actually.

you have the first level with like 10 layers or something starting off as the snake species and then going down to reveal the jellyfish species.
then there is level two where it starts off with you as a jellyfish species and you go down to meet your nemisis. quite an addictive game as i sat up one night playing it. many hours lost of my life but yeah
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
The evolutionary adaption/advancement over time model in games is ubiquitous, but it's surprisingly rare to see a developer actually focus his/her game within a purely biological setting. It's always about sticking bigger guns on robots. That's why I think Spore comes immediately to mind...

Go with the flow...
(12 posts, started )