The online racing simulator
SCCC welcome new member
(32 posts, started )
#26 - th84
Hey congrats Cropsy changing red for yellow is good. Both got the sting Have fun SCCC!
Even MORE reason to totally thrash SCCC at the next ATC GP

darn i cant even destroy your servers!!!!

Have fun Cropsy.. Hmmm the cabby life.
Nice one Cropper and SCCC
Thanks all.

Quote from franky500 :Even MORE reason to totally thrash SCCC at the next ATC GP

darn i cant even destroy your servers!!!!

Have fun Cropsy.. Hmmm the cabby life.

Bring it on! (just aslong as it isn't Aston Club again)
Grats Cropsy
well done mate.... best of luck to both

SCCC welcome new member
(32 posts, started )