(21 posts, started )
hi all u LIVE FOR SPEED RACES we are TEAMPOTHEAD-RACING and are LOOKING for Team M8,s if u think u have what it takes 2 be in ower TEAM then CONTACT me on [email protected] so we can ARANGE a time 2 watch u do a few LAPS ON A TRACK ov ower choice , then we let u know in 24 HOURS if u make the team many thanks for taking the time looking. {TEAMPOTHEADS}{ new web site under management
have you not sean the "team" section illepall

can a mod move this please

and good luck with your team.

and proof reading posts will save you alot of the flaming your team mate faster111 got.
1) This belongs to the Teams subforum
2) Your shift key is stuck/broken
3) Your spelling is broken
Oh it's a disaster already.

1. This post is in the wrong section
2. The guy is a forum noob with only 1 post
3. he wrote all of this in capital letters
4. He can't spell
5. The team is called Team Pot Heads. This explains the post. Pot Head.

Anyway, how much you betting that this team is not a success. Tenner, Fiver.
why will it be closed then im not doing rong u fance a race i tell u what ill put up a server if u win ill close it if i win u hellp me yea ?
Quote from BRINKY1982-UK :why will it be closed then im not doing rong u fance a race i tell u what ill put up a server if u win ill close it if i win u hellp me yea ?

it would bemoved due to it being in wrong place, it would be closed due to me and nutty boy goin way of topic and beingdisrespectful. so apologies on our behalf. youv done nothing wrong.
u fance a race lets c how good u are my server is up come on it boy
No it's us in the wrong again. The forum spammers.

Quote from BRINKY1982-UK :u fance a race lets c how good u are my server is up come on it boy

I'm actually gonna race this dude.
Get ready for some ass whooping
I'm actually talking to me there
what u mean ? No it's us in the wrong again. The forum spammers ?
its the firest time iv ever doune this no need 2 be a prick is it
This thread should be stickied, so everyone knows, how it's not done
But there's one good thing about the post: he edited it instead of making a double-post
what u mean
@brinky1982-uk, your server isnt working properly, i treid to connect, but it said something like client failed or something (cant remember exactly).

im not sure how youd fix it tho.
But seriously, that's a forum, and there are some basic rules:
• Put your thread in the right subforum
• don't write in capitals (you seem to have learned that already)
• don't use chat-slang, use proper words (you instead of u, etc...), otherwise it's hard to read
• grammar is important, otherwise people WILL misunderstand you

and btw: links are auto-parsed if you post them without the "{}"
and btw2: good luck with your team
getting even more OT: this forum really needs some 'x posts per day' limitation

^^ notice only one "x"... you spambots
Spam posts removed. Bean0/herki - your posts were removed only because they didn't make sense with all the spam removed
Quote from Bob Smith :Spam posts removed. Bean0/herki - your posts were removed only because they didn't make sense with all the spam removed

oh no, my precious post

Well, at least brinky seems to have learned his lesson even the capitalisation in his first post doesn't MAKE much sense
Yes I had a talk with him. Doesn't look like he took much of it in since it now looks like a jumbled mess off lower case and upper case words. It looks worse than it was.

EDIT: Wow. I like TPH now. Plainly for the reason that they feature a hot girl on their homepage, absolutely no idea why there's one there but hey, who's complaining (apart from maybe becky rose and tinyk)
Quote :
EDIT: Wow. I like TPH now. Plainly for the reason that they feature a hot girl on their homepage, absolutely no idea why there's one there but hey, who's complaining (apart from maybe becky rose and tinyk)

OMG , maybe this is faster111
(nutty boy) DELETED by nutty boy
#20 - Tick
DUDE!1!1!1 You really should use speel cheker on your website. You mail address is wrong on the front page.

This tread is da`chit

I strongly advise you take the advice that people have given you, if you don't no one will join your team and whatever message you're trying to get across will be lost with people taking the piss out of you, asking you to spell things correctly and use proper grammar so they can understand what it is you're trying to say.

Good luck with your team, cause you will need it.

(21 posts, started )