Until well into this season, I really don't think Massa was more than a 50:50 future front-runner. He's changed, during this season.. not improved, but completely transformed. Now I'm glad to be able to believe that he's gonna do well, because I think he's grown into his Ferrari shoes.
J.B. I agree with almost everything you say (except maybe the picture
) but I don't think Coulthard is done yet. The reason I say that is because I don't think he's racing to win, exactly (though I'm sure he'd like it). He's working for the Red Bull team specifically to get them up to F1 standard. It's a long and ongoing project, but I think he's an essential and integral component of that process. His experience in F1 is extensive and extremely valuable, and I do think he's still a formidable driver. I think in the next couple of years, his role at Red Bull will change to a more administrative one, but that'll happen in time. I think Coulthard will stay in F1, in some capacity, til he draws a pension.