Thats weird. I've been pounding my paddels for a while now. I found that moving from wheel to mouse for a few months, and back to wheel, dealing with the wheel and shifter and clutch was a bit too much to handle (especially when I drive an automatic IRL, heh). So I've been using the paddels the entire time. At first they seemed a little... how to put... weird (having been used to the MOMO's Plastic ones) but now they're fine, and show no sign of wear. It might just be a wireing fluke on your part

. Did you call Logitech Tech support?
So far, it all seems pretty well built. My only issue at first was the shifter. However, after throwing it around a bit (Yes, I played with it before I decided to stick with the paddels until I got acustomed back to using a wheel), I've found the 'flimsy' feel so many people reported is just an illusion. Its actually pretty well build. Only, I kept missing gears, heh.
I'm happy with it, and I'd be suprised if a unit or two didn't have a fluke like the paddel issue mentioned. It probably won't be a common problem. I hope.