The online racing simulator
Estimated time for S3?
(36 posts, started )
Quote from Jakg :the Mayans belived the world has stages, the stage of fire, ice, water etc - This stage ends in 2012, the Earth is wiped clean (!) and a new stage begins

and only the Olmecs heads would be the reference points.

back to S3: I hope V letter patch is final for S2. cos I wont download font for S3 with chinese characters of patches.
Quote from Eldanor :17 September 2009

PD: I had a vision after eating a surprisingly tasteful mushroom omelette, so you can trust me on the release date. I've seen the future.

Didn't mother ever tell you not to eat those mushrooms?
When S3 does come out....people will get nostalgic for these posts, and someone will post "When will S4 come out ?"

Then everyone will have a large laugh, and subsequently change their diapers.
We are still in LFS S2 Alpha, and there are so much physics/graphics/audio stuff that's incomplete, so why the mad rush for S3?

The real questions now are when will we reach beta stage and S2 final.
This is definitely the only game to remain in development for this long...I would pay $70 US for the damn thing just as long as the developers hurry up and release it already!! We all paid for S2 licence which is still in alpha stage. The S2 licence has been released 1.5 years ago...What the heck could possibly take so long? Not to be a pest but I think I speak for most people here that we are all damn tired of waiting! Patience can only go so damn far...
Dude, do you have any idea how game coding, or programming in general, works? Actually, that was a rethorical question, because apparently you don't. More money won't make LFS development faster. Do you even notice, how few bugs we have in this extremely complex model? I have yet to see a game from EA that is as polished as this.

But I see, you'd rather have Scawen hack together a few most wanted features and release them to the public asap. Of course that would work, but do you also know what would follow? A huge amount of patches and patches for the patches for these features, because they didn't work correctly, which is the case for pretty much everything hacked together. In the end, if you take everything into account - the time needed for quick release plus patches is quite higher than slow, but bugfree ones. But not only that, I can already imagine how the forums would look like. Everyone would complain about the bugs and how Scawen should take more time to fix them first. Do you know what happens if you rush a release? Netkar Pro.

Sorry for the rant.
Quote from AndroidXP :...Sorry for the rant.

No problem dude, I would have :slap: him. I hate modern world and despise its "everything to me now" -mentality.

But that's just me and I have serious withdrawal symptoms from not being able to play LFS for a month now.
Quote from Jamexing :We are still in LFS S2 Alpha, and there are so much physics/graphics/audio stuff that's incomplete, so why the mad rush for S3?

The real questions now are when will we reach beta stage and S2 final.

The real-real question is how many surprises we will see until S2 final
Quote from TRM.13 :The real-real question is how many surprises we will see until S2 final

I like surprises
Quote from obsolete_power :This is definitely the only game to remain in development for this long...I would pay $70 US for the damn thing just as long as the developers hurry up and release it already!! We all paid for S2 licence which is still in alpha stage. The S2 licence has been released 1.5 years ago...What the heck could possibly take so long? Not to be a pest but I think I speak for most people here that we are all damn tired of waiting! Patience can only go so damn far...

i would think your not speaking for most people. your speaking for the people who dont understand LFS and it's development mentality.
i would much rather wait 10 years for S2 and have a quality sim than wait 2 months and have another rFactor, GTR, GT Legends, etc etc...
stop acting like a spoilt child and jus be patient.
it will be ready when its ready.
#36 - Jakg
Quote from obsolete_power :This is definitely the only game to remain in development for this long...I would pay $70 US for the damn thing just as long as the developers hurry up and release it already!! We all paid for S2 licence which is still in alpha stage. The S2 licence has been released 1.5 years ago...What the heck could possibly take so long? Not to be a pest but I think I speak for most people here that we are all damn tired of waiting! Patience can only go so damn far...

there are games in dev much longer than this - and i don't mind waiting, i have S2, albeit alpha, but it's 10x better than any other "finished" game to me

Estimated time for S3?
(36 posts, started )