The online racing simulator
Manufacturer names for cars?
(47 posts, started )
#1 - Vain
Manufacturer names for cars?
So in the skinning-thread of the FZ5/FZR there came up the idea to create manufacturers for the cars. That way we could create emblems for the cars to incorporate into skins, create advertisments for the tracks and make the game feel more real.

Obviously the FZ50 and FZ50 GTR were the first to get a manufacturer.
I wanted to give it a shot and suggested the imaginative netherlands-based manufacturer Ordsville-Varden, a small sports-car manufacturer with love to detail and quality. OV's brand-colors are red and white.
Then I fired up GIMP and played around a bit. The attachment is what I had in GIMP when I wanted to drink coffee and saved the file. It obiously needs some polish and someone who knows how to use his graphics-editor, but it already gives you an impression and it's a start to discuss about.

So what I opened this thread for:
Do we like imaginative manufacturers? Is it worth a try? Does anyone have suggestions?

Attached images
As I said it before: I like it

Could you do the full name too in this design?

Let's see if I can come up with something too. But don't excpect too much
Nice idea Vain, but you're entering a rather large quagmire of "lively discussion" with this idea I, for one, agree that now we'd got more vehicles and you cant use the prefix to identify the "manufacturer" anymore.

For those that dont know the history of this concept, check out RSC for the huge thread along these lines.
#4 - Vain
I updated the emblem in the originating post. This way ColeusRattus?

When I thought about the idea I didn't think of the recognizability of the cars. I wanted to make the cars more real. And show me a real car without a manufacturer...

Vain, I wasnt trying to say this is a crap idea - infact I'm all for it I'm just saying that it might be a little controversal
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#6 - Vain
1. You will always find something that reminds you of something.
2. And what is that?

I'm not afraid of long discussions.

Im for it. I get confused with all the different names for the cars.

I would love manufactors names for every car, but what to call each one thats the problem!
Quote from Vain :2. And what is that?

Free ticket for a holiday in cambodia...

(btw, do you mean "passion" instead of "pation" in the OV logo?)
#9 - Vain
Yes, I meant "passion", just attached the wrong file.

Well, in that case - here's a logo for an imaginary Italian car maker. The oldest of them all - started out with a small shed in Arpinum (now Arpino) building chariots for the Roman Empire...
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Quote from Vain :Then I fired up GIMP and played around a bit. The attachment is what I had in GIMP when I wanted to drink coffee and saved the file. It obiously needs some polish and someone who knows how to use his graphics-editor, but it already gives you an impression and it's a start to discuss about.

looks like the make all nato officials drive

Quote :So what I opened this thread for:
Do we like imaginative manufacturers? Is it worth a try? Does anyone have suggestions?

i like the idea ... and while were at it ... less cryptic car names would be a nice idea too
Quote from Shotglass :
i like the idea ... and while were at it ... less cryptic car names would be a nice idea too

Yupp. That would be great to, as only a few car manufacturers use cryptic combos exclusively

@Vain. I was more in terms of how the name of the brand would look like, if written to its full extend and also to be used as a larger "logo". like dodge:
So here is my try:

Hog, an australian manufacturer for agricultural utility vehicles and military trucks since 1931, saw the need for a leightweight car with low fuel consumption during the oil crisis in the seventies. With a license from Cooper Hog developed and built the Hog UF1000 to fit this need. The car was a major success throughout the australian and south-east asian region, and is still built today.

The .rar contains the .pds with both logo and name in a resolution of 1280x1280
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hog.rar - 192.2 KB - 369 views
Good one
Quote from hrtburnout :Good one

Quote from bo-kristiansen :yep

thx! I really like xaotiks too... looks classy
I really like the idea of creating car brands to go with the rather cryptic designations we have now, but I'd much rather see the Devs commission one or two artists for this (maybe after a competition of some sort).

I'd be up for it
Quote from bobvanvliet :I really like the idea of creating car brands to go with the rather cryptic designations we have now, but I'd much rather see the Devs commission one or two artists for this (maybe after a competition of some sort).

I'd be up for it

I think, that was one of the thoughts of this thread. We create brands with a car suggestion, but it's up to the devs if and which ones they pick (and assign to which car)...
HOG UF1000 deluxe
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(schofei) DELETED by schofei
As I seem to have a creative phase right now, here's Brand number 2:


Two British World War II Fighter pilots founded this little exclusive car manufacturer in 1948. Their first car "Spitfire Mark I" was basically a carframe built around an engine of the famous Spitfire fighter. Just a few years later they were amongst the most exclusive sportscar manufacturers in the United Kingdom, producing only a dozen cars per year for the créme-de-la-créme. In the year 1973 however, they dropped out of business after they refused to sell the brand to a multinational enterprise.

25 years later, at the 50 anniversary of the brand, a british billionaire and fan of Spitfire brought the brand back to life. Since 1998 Spitfire managed to reclaim their former fame as Englands most exclusive forge of pure sportscars.

the .rar contains the .pds for further use
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spitfire.rar - 62.3 KB - 337 views
I thought i was on rFactor fourm for a moment :smash3d: :eek: :Eyecrazy:
Not only has this been suggested many times, but it's been settled and burried
in the woods. Ahaha Scawen, you thought it was burried deep enough, didn't
you ?

Don't you guys think it's a bit late to start changing such things 3 years
after the game was released ?! While alpha-numeric isn't exactly artistic,
it's often much more logical then some fictional name. We could call one
of them the Banana, i really don't see much of a difference except that it
says nothing about the car. Most people know the cars as they are named
now and it's not the best idea to start changing old details that don't NEED
changing. There are much more important things to work on imo.

Nothing is keeping anyone from making fictional skins, but don't expect LFS
to have different car names.
#25 - Vain
The cars keep their alpha-numeric names. They just get manufacturers and emblems so people can create more athmospheric skins and fitting advertisments for the tracks. We're not changing anything. We're adding.


Manufacturer names for cars?
(47 posts, started )