Setup Database
(8 posts, started )
Setup Database
I'm working on (quite far progressed) a setup database system for teams to download and use on their websites.

Features List
  • Fully PEAR-Compliant PHP code
  • Databasing using either MySQL (preferred) or flat files
  • Filter and sorting system
  • Ability to restrict access
  • Administration Controls (delete setups, edit comments, etc.)
  • Fully-customisable style sheet
  • Easy-to-integrate (into your team website)
The Catch
The script must run with a small (unobtrusive) banner advert for vMaxSR - as will be dictated by the license. I am quite happy to allow removal of the banner for a small donation (minimum 3 Euros) to the vMaxSR PayPal account.

If you'd like to request a feature, please post here stating what you would like to see. I will consider all suggestions, but I will not necessarily implement all of them. If you specifically want any features added that I state I do not want to add, you can always bribe me.
Updated the post, time to re-read
I'm not so sure I'd be using it myself, but one thing that I know would be useful, would be the option of using sqlite. After all, why use flatfiles, when sqlite comes with most modern PHP installs?

With regards to the licensing, you might want to run some kind of self checking against a licensing PHP script on your server, to enforce it and stop noobies ripping it off

Other than that, it sounds good
SQLite, I was thinking of using that actually. May look further into it, as I've not really used it before.

And yeah, that's what I was planning for the licensing
I've been working on something similar, so I'd like to request that you dont add any more features

Actually. mine is something a bit different. Its designed as the groundwork for the next gen setup analyser and actually reads the set files, stores the setup values themselves in the DB, then re-creates a valid binary .set file from the database values when you download a set.
Interesting idea colcob - but what is the point, if the physics change from patch to patch, and possibly the file format (which is why I can see you doing this), then the setups become invalid....surely?

Or are you thinking about an LFSSetupFiles site, where you can click to download a set, then select what version of LFS to generate it for? i.e. making S2 sets backwards compatible with S1, and preS1? If so, thats a cool idea
Well the main point is that you need the setup values to do the setup analysis. There is no point storing .set files on the server and then constantly reading/writing them as people change their setups online. Also it enables you to do statistical analysis of the way people setup their cars etc.

But yeah, the other advantage is that if the setup format changes, I can just change the WriteSetup function to generate a setup which conforms to the new standard. Doesnt necessarily mean it would work exactly the same if there have been physics changes, but it would at least give people a starting point.

Anyway, sorry I didnt mean to hijack James' thread. Mine isnt going to be a downloadable script for teams anyway, so I'm looking forward to James releasing his.
Well, we could always work together if you wish Colin. I'm not overly bothered either way

Setup Database
(8 posts, started )